Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Oval face, dark complexion , lean , thin , tall people & husky voice.
Sudden blank outs when at work.
Hovering in the air , sudden stoppage of speech à Blank.
Mild  & reserved.
Talkative only in company where they feel that this is good.
Blank outs are because where brain cells does not work properly ie  pathological state.

2nd picture
Talk indisposed  to à talkative.
Protruded teeth  & talkative.
Fear of his own shadow , of being alone.
 They see  & obsessive but does not record in brain.
They will never lose their way.
The command is stored in Pons which commands brain  & directs.
Chilly / Right side / Hot  / Syphilitic.
Aversion to garlic and onion.

Asarum patients have the sensation as if their limbs were floating out of their physical body. While walking on the street they may experience the feeling that their limbs are floating in the air. Their hands seem as if they are floating in the air. Imagines he is hovering in air like a spirit, when walking in open air. It is not a mere sensation however; it is a sensation which produces tremendous panic. It is as if the person were diffusing - as if their limbs were diffusing outward. In the Repertory one can find Asarum in the rubrics: "sensation as if floating in the air" or "of walking in the air," but the actual feelings and circumstances are as I have described. They feel at that moment as if they may die or go crazy or that their entire being may disintegrate. Their mind becomes confused, and, finally, they begin to contemplate giving up their studies.
One sees the opposite state as well in which parts of the body feel fixed or stuck, especially the eyes. The eyes feel as if they are stuck in their sockets and cannot be moved. (HPATHY)
 Asarum patients can also develop a fixed idea that there is a pressure inside their head compressing the brain and preventing it from movement, preventing it from thinking. The tongue feels stuck and incapable of motion. In Clarke’s Materia Medica the symptom "sensation as if the eyes would be pressed asunder to the side" is noted. That which I have encountered more frequently is the feeling that the parts of the body are stuck and cannot be moved. So, one sees in Asarum two contrasting processes - diffusion on the one hand and solidification on the other.

S.O.A  NS  & Brain.

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