Thursday, 31 March 2016


Lt sided / Chilly.
Continuous smiling on face with theorizing – Sepia , Cocculus.
Child - precocious.
Dry cough & occipital headache.
Sleep but knows what is happening around him.
Cocculus acts on the cerebro-spinal system, producing great debility.
Coma with knowledge of surroundings.
(Recognises everything, but cannot move- Kent, 71).
Nervous vomiting
Even though in deep sleep, cocculus can hear all the conversation beside him,  as his ears and mind are functioning continuously.
Rubric-Unconsciousness, coma, awareness of surroundings with-cocc
The mental state of Cocculus is one of dullness or stupefaction. He gets weary from the slightest exertion – physical and mental. He reflects long before answering (Answers, reflects long- Kent, 3). In some situations, finding it difficult to answer, he feels the need to answer hastily (Answers, hastily- Kent, 3). During the case-taking, one observes that a question needs to be repeated several times either by the doctor or by the patient to himself.
women with menstrual difficulties, when the back gives out in the morning, after venereal excesses, and also from loss of sleep.
A  feeling of hollowness in some one of the cavities of the body, either in the head, chest, or abdomen. It is more than a weakness; it is an absolute feeling as though the parts were hollow. Talking tires these patients very much.
Appearance like china
Nose is short.
Diligent , giving & benevolent.
Tendency of continuously moving.
Makes gestures ,pushes things away in sleep.
Oversensitive, in most situations wanting to compromise, or expecting people to do so.  Is extremely sensitiveness to rudeness. (Sensitive to rudeness– Kent, 79; Ailments from rudeness- Kent, 75; Sadness, as if from insult- Kent, 77). After feeling hurt or insulted he spends hours and days trying to understand why this particular incident took place. (Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Kent, 39), and how he should have reacted to it (introspection).
A/f  Noise ,rudeness of others ,highly ambitious people
Answers hastily

MILD picture
Simlar to Phos  expressive + extroverted.
Similar picture Phos. Sharp brain, talkative & mild.
lively individual (Mirth, hilarity, liveliness- Kent, 65). He is mostly excitable, loquacious and in high spirits (Exhilaration -Kent, 41). But underlying sensitivity will be very marked all pictures.
Shy but says I am not shy.
Very mild & anxiety conscience of.
A very important component of Cocculus is Anxiety about health (Kent, 7). This is pertaining to himself and equally to the health of his relatives (Anxiety about health; anxiety about health of relatives- Kent, 7).
He can be visibly upset by any tragedy or sad situation (Horrible things and sad stories affect profoundly- Kent, 52). He goes out of his way to be of help to others who are suffering or are in trouble (Cares about others).
They undergo many sleepless nights to attend to someone who is critically ill or bed-ridden). They may finally succumb to this pressure themselves and it affects their health (Affects of night watching and loss of sleep- Kent, 1402).
From this oversensitive nature with a need to compromise, along with dullness of mind.
      DISCONTENTED                                RESERVED
Tendency / vomiting                               no travel sickness
Highly expressive                                      talk very less
Discontented                                             not discontented
Does not have deep relations.
Delusions of sudden swelling in the joints-confirmatory
Dreams body parts ,body knee swollen - cocculus

Cocculus àCaring & caring at the cost of her own health & nursing personality.
Never expresses her pain , because others work should not be disturbed.

 Flirt like   picture
One picture looks like Cenchris in dressing and in way of expression.

Desires à sweets  &coffee.
The debility of Cocculus is of spinal origin. Especially is it apt to follow loss of sleep; the patient cannot sit up even one or two hours later than usual in the evening without feeling languid and exhausted throughout the entire day following.
S.O.A  CNS , GIT , muscles & heel pain.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Oval face, dark complexion , lean , thin , tall people & husky voice.
Sudden blank outs when at work.
Hovering in the air , sudden stoppage of speech à Blank.
Mild  & reserved.
Talkative only in company where they feel that this is good.
Blank outs are because where brain cells does not work properly ie  pathological state.

2nd picture
Talk indisposed  to à talkative.
Protruded teeth  & talkative.
Fear of his own shadow , of being alone.
 They see  & obsessive but does not record in brain.
They will never lose their way.
The command is stored in Pons which commands brain  & directs.
Chilly / Right side / Hot  / Syphilitic.
Aversion to garlic and onion.

Asarum patients have the sensation as if their limbs were floating out of their physical body. While walking on the street they may experience the feeling that their limbs are floating in the air. Their hands seem as if they are floating in the air. Imagines he is hovering in air like a spirit, when walking in open air. It is not a mere sensation however; it is a sensation which produces tremendous panic. It is as if the person were diffusing - as if their limbs were diffusing outward. In the Repertory one can find Asarum in the rubrics: "sensation as if floating in the air" or "of walking in the air," but the actual feelings and circumstances are as I have described. They feel at that moment as if they may die or go crazy or that their entire being may disintegrate. Their mind becomes confused, and, finally, they begin to contemplate giving up their studies.
One sees the opposite state as well in which parts of the body feel fixed or stuck, especially the eyes. The eyes feel as if they are stuck in their sockets and cannot be moved. (HPATHY)
 Asarum patients can also develop a fixed idea that there is a pressure inside their head compressing the brain and preventing it from movement, preventing it from thinking. The tongue feels stuck and incapable of motion. In Clarke’s Materia Medica the symptom "sensation as if the eyes would be pressed asunder to the side" is noted. That which I have encountered more frequently is the feeling that the parts of the body are stuck and cannot be moved. So, one sees in Asarum two contrasting processes - diffusion on the one hand and solidification on the other.

S.O.A  NS  & Brain.


Acon: - Aliments from fear, anguish, Death predict the time, Excitable during dentition, Fear of death with loquacity, Restlessness, Oversensitive, Shrieking
# Cold becoming heated when, Pain neuralgic.

Aeth: - Stupefaction as if intoxicated sleep after

Anac: - Cruelty, Inhumanity, Malicious, Spiteful, Indifference
# Plug like sensation in internal parts.

Ant-c: - Sentimental.

Arg-n: - Obstinate, Headstrong.

Arn: - Fear of approaching others of and touch of, Well says he is when very sick.

Ars: - Anguish, Anxiety with nausea, Conscientious about trifles, Fear of death & robbers, Gestures makes, Sadness, Melancholy, Depression.
If not anxiety about health, avarice, fastidious. Desire or Amel by wormth is not there (body)
(Psor, Syco, except Syph)

Aur-m: - Anxiety conscience of, Suicidal disposition prepare himself silently.

Bar-c: - Childish behavior, irresolution, Indecision.

Bell: - Anger face color red, Escape attempts to, Fear of dogs, Fire wants to set things or house on, Oversensitive to light, Spoken to being agg, Stupefaction as if intoxicated sleep after.

Bor: - Oversensitive to sudden noise.
#  Apathae.

Bry: - Is dry, Quiet wants to be, Rest desire for.

Calc: - Delusion faces sees hideous & vision has closing the eyes on & visions has horrible, Fear insanity of losing his reason, Horrible things sad stories affect her profoundly, Spoken to being agg, Unconsciousness epilepsy in.

Cann-i: - Delusions, Imaginations.

Caps: - Homesickness.

Carc: - Impressionable, Offended easily.

Cham: - Snappish behavior, Capriciousness in children, Carried desires to be, Irritability dentition during, Ill-humor in children, Rocking desire, Oversensitive to pain, Screaming pain with & stool during.
# Excoriation on male genitalia

Cic: - Company aversion to, Hatred, Unconsciousness epilepsy in.

Cina: - Capriciousness in children, Ill-humor in children

Con: - Stupefaction as if intoxicated sleep after.

Coloc: - Ailments from mortification humiliation chagrin & anger during.

Cup-m: - Magnetized mesmerism amel.

Glon: - Ailments from exposure to sun.

Graph: - Weeping, Tearful mood music from organ on hearing.

Hep: - Anger, Contrary, Fire wants to set things or house on, Oversensitive to pain.

Hyos: - Gestures makes grasping or reaching something , Jealousy, Naked wants to be, Quarrelsome, Shameless, Unconsciousness epilepsy in.

Hydra: -
# Inflammation chronic sinusitis.

Iod: - Gestures makes grasping or reaching something picks at bed clothes, carphologia chill during, Impressionable, Spoken to aversion to being.

Kali-c: - Startled easily & Fright from and as from & Noise from.
# Lie down inclination to

Kali-p: - Ailments from mental work.

Lach: - jealousy, loquacity, holding desire to in children. If hot things Amel, tight clothing tolerance.

Led: - Stupefaction as if intoxicated sleep after.

Lyco: - Haughty, Suspiciousness, Mistrustfulness.

Med: - Anxiety anticipating engagement an, Fear happen something will & imaginary things & misfortune of.

Merc: - Restlessness in children.
#  Inflammation chronic sinusitis, Syphilis.

Nat-m: - Ailments from disappointment or deception old, Anger face color pale livid, Intolerance of company urination during, Consolation agg, Grief deception from & silent, Hatred, Sadness weeping impossible, Spoken to being agg.

Nux-v: - Ailments from work mental, Anger face color red, Anxiety nausea with, Concentration difficult & studying reading while, Dreams nightmare, Jealousy, Suicidal disposition talks always of suicide but does not commit, Talk indisposed to desire to be silent.

Nux-m: - Stupefaction as if intoxicated sleep after.

Op: - Ailments from fright accident from sight of an, Dreams nightmare, Indifference complain does not, Somnambulism, Stupefaction
as if intoxicated sleep after.
#  Reaction lack of.

Phos: - Company desire for, Alone while agg, Fear thunder storm of, Indifference children to her & family to his & relations to, Magnetized amel, Senses blunted chill during, Sympathy desire for.

Pic-ac: - Prostration of mind, Mental exhaustion.

Plat: - Haughty, Spoken to being agg.

Puls: - Fear crowd in a, Timidity, Weeping tendency coryza during.
# Heat vital lack of warmth agg.

Rhus-t: - Restlessness in children.

Sep: - Consolation agg, Dancing amel, Indifference children to her & family to his & relations to, Indolence agg.
          Indifference.( all 3 miasms)

Sil: - Fear pins pointed sharp things of, Oversensitive to steel points directed towards her, Spoken to being agg, Timidity.
# Inflammation chronic sinusitis

Staph: - Ailments from disappointment deception & love disappointed unhappy & mortification humiliation chagrin indignation with, Anger face color pale livid, Throws thing persons at offended who.

Tub: - Ailments from work mental, Anxiety night agg in children, Fear children in night, Impressionable, Impulse run to, Obstinate children, Offended easily, Screaming children in, Travel desire to.

Thuja: -
# Sycosis.

Verat: - Insolence, Impertinence.