Thursday, 3 November 2011


                                         MODULE-2 & 3

  5-10 -09                                             DR PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR

Every thing happening in human body should have its origin in genes.
204aph  -  All chronic diseases result from developed “ chronic miasms” psora , sycosis and syphilis  giving rise to that particular diseases.
Psora is that the change already occurring in the body inviting the bacteria - the itch. Bacteria are getting their nutrition from it. It conquers human immunity in psora is inflammation

 aph- 203   External treatment of local symptoms.

 aph- 189    No external growth or persists  occurs with out internal cause  & does not happen with out the consent of the whole. Every thing is closely connected together & occurs because of miasms. -à whole.
Every thing is related to the constitution à their miasm.

Psoric  à Clear cut weaving -à clean cut wound.
Syphilitic-à intricately weaved-à no clear cut margins wound & jagged edges of the
Genes Is the architectural plan of human being what he is  physically & mentally.
                  95%  of genome of species is same , 5% is variable & so in the human being
                  And plants.
Every genetic code has a vertical gene which reveals our evolution
Plant evolution -à animal history  -à man.
Snake dominantà lachesis.
Monkey like -à hyoscyamus.
Silicea à psoric- knowledge & need.
                 Sycotic – needs respect.
                 Syphilitic- anger & vexation.

In idiosyncrasies  teucrium & sepia in 200  potency will remove it& then should be followed by constitutional medicine after 15 to 20 days.(through olfaction)

When cell is traumatized  it causes
Psoric – irritation , acute inflammation and becomes sensitive .

Sycotic -  fortification defense by
                                                  By accumulation
                                                   By synthesis of macro protein ,,, elastin , glutin , fibrin &
                                                                      Pigments  ie structural proteins
1.      hypo excess
2.      hyper excess
                                                   By proliferation (multiplication)
If the cause is not treated in psoric state   or cause is going on defense is done by
1.      Accumulation
the cell or tissues
a.       swells
b.      growths or thickness.
In some constitutions after primary inflammation synthesizes more of fibrin , elastin & glutin .
Excess fibrin causes toughness , induration & hardening.
Excess elastin causes contractions, stenosis and strictures.
In some constitution causes less elastin causing looseness , relaxation , ptosis , prolapse , hernias and sprains.
Less fibrin gives rise to dilatation , enlargement &  hemorrhagic tendency.

Defense  by multiplication or proliferation causing warts &  tumor etc.
Mental injury  or trauma
Accepts but protects by hiding behind a façade of covering

                                               Genetic code


                    Mind                                                                 body
                         |                                                                       |
·                                                                                                                                            *
                angry , weeping                                               body structureà organs , systems
           (mental disposition)                                                                        &their functions.
          Allergies , thirst & cravings.                                 Tendency to illness & diseases
                                                                                          (physical disposition)
Dynamis    --à tendency to inflammation (psora)à physiological)
Stasis          -àtendency to growth & accumulation (sycosis)à physical &structural
Mixture of both  -à tendency to destruction (syphilis) à pathological & dystrophy.

 The treatment of disease must be from  Syphilis  -à sycosis  à psora .

PSORA                                      SYCOSIS                               SYPHILIS
Tendency to irritation              show off                                    destructive
Sensitivity                               hide , deceive                            abnormal behaviour
Anxiety , insecurity                accumulate                                excess restlessness
Nervousness                            properties                                  hysterical behaviour
Worries of health                    egotism                                     excess religiousness
Wanting support                     haughtiness                              
Education, religious               increased sexual

Approach of the disease changes with the miasm.
Sycosis -à fortification

accumulation                        multiplication

Diseases  are
              1 dynamic (moves & changes constantly)
              2. adynamic (not changing or static).

                                      Dynamic           A dynamic  
       Dynamic-à psora
Dynamic à 2nd defense     1. destructive
                                            2. constructive
Acute illness are out bursts of psora end in death  or recovery.
Pseudo psora à destructive à they got dynamis à end in death.
Ex  pneumonia , meningitis & septicemia.

Slow diseases  à sycosis
Syco syphilitic àfast diseases end in recovery à psora.
Ex  SLE , thyroid.
Something suppressed is sycosis  and steroids mask the sycosis.

Foot note 120 – causes  are of no value when full bloom sycosis and syphilis is coming into picture.
Syphilis à dynamis of psora + sycosis (structural changes)
In idiosyncrasy  teucrium and sepia will remove it in 200 potency and advocate the use of GCS 15 to 20 days after that( through olfaction)

When cell is traumatized
Psoric– irritation , acute inflammation and becomes sensitive and give pain.
Sycosis – fortification defense  by accumulation.

                                                    By synthesis of macro protein
a.       elastin
b.      glutin
c.       fibrin
d.      pigments    are the structural protein
ie in sycosis hypo excess & hyper excess.

                                                    By proliferation ( multiplication).
If the cause is not treated or irritation is going on defense is done by accumulation of cell or tissues.
1.      swells
2.      growth or thickness.
Some constitutions after primary inflammation  synthesizes more of fibrin , elastin and glutin.
Excess fibrin causes toughness, indurations’  & hardening.
Excess elasin causes contractions, stenosis and strictures.
Some constitutions after primary inflammation synthesizes less elastin causing looseness, relaxation , ptosis , prolapse , hernias , sprains etc.
Less fibrin gives rise to dilatation , enlargement & hemorrhagic tendency.

Defense by multiplication or proliferation causes warts and tumors etc.
Mental injury or trauma  
Accepts  or rejects
Accepts but protects by hiding behind a façade of covering
Chronic irritation  is due to irritation or sensitiveness or mental injury or trauma.
Timid -  accepts injury – hide behind façade –shallow sycosis
               Rejects ---defend , rebellious à full of fibrin causes fast diseases like HTN ,                    
                                                                  Heart attack.
Façade  by -à changing synthesis  of --- multiplication
Accumulation à elastin and fibrin.

Rejection by extortion , rejection , perversion , self detestation or mutation , Auto immune diseases & hysterical reactions.
Psora – anxiety ---à fear (sycosis) -à anguish , panic , destruction of fears & 
                                                               Fearlessness.  (syphilis)

Genetic trait is seen in
Psora                   mind
Sycosis               bosy
Syphilis              general

Is the biological need. Arises from the deficiencies of  nutrition for which body fights. Air , water , food are biological needs required for conversion of energy into ATP by respiration and nutrition.
  1. when Oxygen is not met the requirements of cell  any living thing feels discomfort  tries to complain  and tries to acquire peacefully  results in physically in sensitiveness , irritation  and itching.
  2. not allowed to breath causes discomfort to complaining -à defence
    1. bold & angry(irritated)
    2. timid( with draw or weep)

Mind  worried , anger , apprehensive , inhibited , sensitive , complain constantly.

Reaction to chronic situation
PsoricAlways complain.                                           Anxieties of health , money , future
Person behaves                                                            business, causeless, house hold.
Anxious , worried , apprehensive
Sensitive to reprimand , reproach,                                 others , pain . narrow places,
Anger , oversensitive to pain,                                        dark , crowd and trifles.
Sound , noise ,impatience ,
Offended esily.

Psoric looks  normal in size & shape.
                  Pear shaped face and hurt easily.
Syphilis    large , distant fontanelle and bulging & disproportionate nose.
                  Sharpness at older age indicates syphilis.

Liking –psora
Love – sycosis
Craving- syphilis

Most of aggravations when become intolerable are syphilitic. Most syphilitic more attraction to electronic medium.(syphilitic –beyond normal level).


                           Psoric                               sycotic                                syphilis
                             130/90                          150/100                                  220/140
                                                                                                   (check BP on both arms)
                        Suppressed                     arterioscerosis                  (spasm)
                      Physiological                 induration, thickening
                                                              Arteries                                      180/120

Syphilitic HTN in hysterical women is due to menopause.
In cure there must balance of HTN in both arms and so as in temperature.

         Psora                                sycosis                                    syphilis
         101F- Short lasting       long because of chronic         103F, changeable
                                                Inflammation                          high temperature.
Irritable , anxiety anger         dull , indolent, indifferent      à Panic, anguish , lamenting
When obliged to answer         no complain, moaning            delirium, activity distorted, 
Weeping , complain lot,          PID , TB, Chronic UTI,           like loquacious, restless
Fragile , insecure,                    Chronic hepatitis & Colitis.  à dengue , m. falciparum
Anticipatory, decreased            Ex malaria.
Activity ,sleep increased,
Or normal slightly
Because of acute                                                                       all viral diseases are
Infections                                                                                      syphilitic.
Ex  Pneumonitis. 

Virus is a piece of DNA or RNA in a wrapped or unwrapped capsule.

Psora                                              sycosis                                               syphilis
Regularly delayed                     always delayed                                delay for months
Cyclical – periodical                 too much                                          or years
                                                 Delayed weeks &                           coming for 1- to 15 days
                                                   transiently early                             too intense
normal bright red color           dark , clotted , black blood           black , tar like menses
with few clots                           stains difficult to remove             profuse & copious
No odor                                      slight odor                                   extremely bad odor
                                                                                                       Gushing ,membranous&
                                                                                                       Even stuporus.
Flow normal day/ night           flow more during day                    cadaverous odor
                                                  One day menses                          flow more at night
                                                   >bending double, heat                flow< slight motion
                                                   > warmth                                    too much clots indicates
                                                 (stasis + congestion)                     hysterical remedies.
No pain                                      Pain > warm                                pain unbearable, destroy
                                                                                                       That part , excruciating


Psora                                                sycosis                                                  syphilis

Pain slightly                                                                                                no progress of
 Easy   delivery                                                                                              normal pain
Delivery few days later             delivery early or after                           absence of pain for
Or early                                     due date                                                 long time
                                                   Pains come & goes                             extremely delayed
                                                   Induced labor                                    or lack of labor pains
                                                   (may go to syphilis)                            breech or forceps
                                                   Too small or over weight                     anything artificial.

Strong suppressed anger.
Sudden loss of loved one.
Sudden joy/ shock.
Honor wounded.
Anger & rage.
Fright / Panic.
Sudden loss in business.
Physical trauma.

Syphilitic constitutions are sensitive to violent , strong , destructive and sudden. sharp features , killer instinct and periodicity are syphilitic.


Slow / stressful / prolonged.
Prolonged grief .
Brooding & disappointment in love.
Anger suppressed .
Nursing the sick .
Grief from the loss of money / most loved.
Sexual desire suppressed / embarrassment.
Excess sexuality / debauchery / masturbation.


Psora  -- pain, inflammation , sensitivity in physical plane & general senses
               Mental—anxiety and anticipation.
Anger , hurt and mild grief.
Anxiety , anticipation.
Bad effects of fright , fear , neglect.
External impressions( touch , noise , odor and pain).
Bad effects of anger and contradiction.


The mental disposition & physical disposition is a tendency to a person given by genetic trait. Disposition for chronic diseases should not be solitary event . It should be in every movement for chronic case – chronic disposition at various circumstances.
Psora , sycosis , syphilis the disposition is different and should coincide while treating chronic irreversible cases.
Human being is clone of basic cell or stem cells.
Cells change as per stimulus same with human behavior . Stem cells represent genotype. The base  has to be psora.

Serotonin , epinephrine  and nor epinephrine are more in discontent people.
Introverts are generally sycotic.
Social persons are vocal and share thoughts.
Introverted are due to timid , quiet people( morose people)
Angry when obliged to answer ---Nat mur , Colo , Puls , acid phos , NUX VOMICA, Ars , arnica.
Sarcasm; (when made to answer) because of lack of confidence , discontent , sad and melancholic people.
Sober & graceful people –Aur , ferrum  & silicea.
Contended & mental dullness.
 Anxiety – ready to fear.
Anticipation is something from future to know  and thinking about it.
Introspection – seeing what happened before and blaming( athma chinthana)
Remorse – repent  or self realization.

When the eyes are diverted to left side and is telling about the past is truth, when eyes are looking to right side and telling past  are manipulative and mostly lie.

Right à plan and strategy       left -à truth and reality.

Carbons are slow burners.
Graphitis (plumbago) with iron inside it is left side.

Insecurity always gives rise to sycosis for support.
Meningioma  always have h/ o neck pain  , back ache  and knee pain.
Ca breast right is related to problem with child.
Shocks of child in danger causes relay in brain. Normal instinct is in chest through which mother feeds the child. The breaks applied on mitosis breaks off leads to breakage of genes  switched off causing amitosis & multiply leads to more glands causing tumor further into malignancy.

When the defense mechanism  goes out of hand causing disease.
Pain- psoric.
Paresis  ( weakness) –sycotic.
Tingling & numbness---sycosis.
Painlessness or insensitivity---syphilis.
Paralysis --- syphilitic.
Tendency to faint with pains ---syphilitic.

Those who love soft toys , soft , delicate dogs , cats , puppies are once hurt in the childhood, retaliate and hurt is inside .They afraid that they may get hurt , so they love animals , develop this as defense mechanism.

Carcinocin   Goes on moulding on domination by mother.


Exaggeration  (amplification – psoro – syphilitic).
Out of proportion and control.
Auto immune          }  
                             -----à  appear in physical form-----frank syphilis.
Genetic mutation     }

Anything which is intense is syphilitic.

Distorted – means to bend , twist form, alter , mispresented , falsification &  falsehood
                   (syco – syphilitic). Sense is present but changed in behavior. feel what
                      Is not there.

 Unnatural – perverse , abnormal , going against nature , atypical , strange , odd ,       
                      Uncommon & perverse.

Hysterical --  out of proportion ---hysterical , panic stricken , out of control. Frenzied.
                     Frantic , unpredictable reaction out of proportion to stimulus.
                    Erratic , wandering(out of control) changeable , unpredictable& non-static.

Destroyed ---  Obliterated , lost & absent.
Exaggeration (amplification)
Psora    à    syphilis
Sensitive  --à   over sensitive
Distortion –syphilis with origin sycosis.
                    Delusion – feeling of.

Unnatural perversion ---(syphilis)
                                   Incorrect representation , false impression.
                                   Strange , odd & uneven.
                                   Imagination & fancies.
                                   Illusion à delusion.

Destruction –-- senses abolished or lost.
                           Senses absent.
                          Controls absent.

Anxiety exaggerate -à  lyco, puls , staphy , tuber , merc sol , nux vom & calc.
Anxiety inconsolable (syphilitic)  -à  acon , cham , china , cicut, graph , nux vom ,
                                                             Petrol , spon & vat alb.

Anxiety indefinite -à merc sol.
Anxiety out of proportion .
Excessive anxiety of health.
Anxiety at trifles.
Trifles seem important.
Obsessions à  washing hands to prevent infections.
Obsessive compulsive disorders.

Exaggerated  -- anger- rage , fury and violent.
                          Sensitivity – despair from criticism.
                          Pain & inflammation.
                         Senses – acute and hyper acute.
                    Localized- exaggerated in specific region . ex  in spots etc, ( kali bichrom).

                    Excessive or low or no synthesis of elastin.
                    Excessive or low or no synthesis of fibrin.
                    Excessive or low or no synthesis of pigments.
                   Excessive or low or no glutins.

High elastin à in children of spastics , contractions and strictures.

Search for
Senses – acute , blunted or perverted.
Senses of hearing , odor , sight , touch & taste.
Knowledge , skills . mind & morals.
Will , intellect , emotion and morals.

Taste acute & taste altered.
Bitter water tasteà ars , cal phos , china , china ars , sili & verat.
Sour & sweet tase.
Illusion of tasteà  insipid  , iron & metallic.
Insipid , watery , flat , soup taste although it is salted as usual--- cardus mar , coccul, lyss
                                                                                                         & thuja.
Pepper mint like à buth aust , ferr. iod & verat.
Craving salt à sugar.
Food taste –acrid.

Sense of odor
Food is psora & aversion to food is syphilitic.
Nausea (sense) at the sight & smell of food , looking at food , eating , drinking , from noise & pain , looking at moving objects(syco – syphilitic).
Nausea(position related) on exertion , exercising , erect , standing , lying closing eyes (syphilitic)
Nausea  emotion related , vexation with grief , anxiety with ,anguish with , excitement with ( traveling sickness- syphilitic).

 6-10-09                                                                       DR BANDISH AMBANI


Sulphur -  fastidiousness is  in appearance & is a happy go lucky person.

Arsenic alb  Perfection inspite unhappiness. Never happy with others.

Carcinocin   Aesthetic sense or beauty and colors with artistic flare to it.


Sensitivity both at mental &physical plane.
Ex  puls /  reprimands &easily recovers.
Senses are acute or dull & blunted.
Ex  nux – sound exaggerate
      Opium –dull and planted.
Emotions like good ?& bad , weeping , sadness , grief and laughter.
Suspiciousness(solanacea group)
Good, resilience to fright back or recover.
Healing qualities – all injury remedies are plant remedies.
Good healing powers – injury and wounds.
Groups à species  according to their properties.


Basic  instinct is to survive ,  to defend  and resort to violence to survive.
Non diligent.
Feeling of being prayed upon by stronger animal species .They feel as if people or the world is against them
Emotions like jealousy , suspiciousness , one- man ship  and competitiveness.
Deceitfulness .
Survival of species Desire to attract opposite sex to procreate.
Vanity and foppishness.
Species --- snakes & spiders.


All the things of utility are made of some metal (iron& copper) and they have strength , survival and last for many years.
Strong willed people.
Diligent , industrious- conscientious people.
Are heavy , tend to have strong ego , haughty , strong leader ship qualities.
Used to prepare weapons hence indicates violence.
Like iron , copper , phos are in touch with reality and are practical people and does not break up easily.
Very strong emotions and normal reactions.
Metals and elements or non metals( calc ,, kali , phos and nat mur).
Heavy metals are platina , merc sol &  cuprum.
Soft  metals are plumbum met , stann met ,, zinc and alumina.

Heavy metals

Ambitious .
Giving more than taking.
Achieve in life.
Excel in professions.
Leaders in family & society.
Excess ego & take in charge of things.
Self esteem.
Strong , positive willed tends to be dominating & dictatorial.
Syphilitic – platina – excess imagination .
Ex platina- hysterical.
Religiousness for the good of the people.
Serious people & talk much to the point.
Loss of emotions.
Their relation to emotion is normal or don’t express.
Practical people.
Violent & angry.
Well focused to the point.
Fight for the cause.
Indifference in syphilitic miasm os contentment.
Suicidal disposition in syphilitic miasm.
Physical – most are chilly except platina, merc sol(hot in acute).
Strong , big forehead , hair is black and square  face.
Usually right sided except platina ,
 Ferrum met , arg met  -both sides.

Soft metals

Timidity ( Plb Met , zinc met & zinc phos.
Hard working , industrious & diligent but not as much as soft metals.
Feeling of inadequacy or being unable to perform what to perform what they could perform before.(frantic – highly syphilitic – religious).
Feeing of being prosecuted  & down fall from what they have achieved.
Religiousness more marked than heavy metals( zinc met).


Timidity , shyness( kali-5 , calc-5 , natrums -11 carbons etc.)
Fear of all kinds.
Remedies dealing with relationships and attachments  and family oriented( kali,, calc&
Magnesium (can not forgive others mistakes).
Emotional  remedies affected easily by emotions like grief sadness , fear , fright etc.
Sensitive remedies – when reprimand  ? shouted at , insults etc.
They do recover back but not as much as plants.

Nosodes  have lack of inhibition  & lack of control.

Plumbum met

Timidity  while appearing in public.
Brooding over forbidden things.
A / f being in society or crowd.
Anticipation( merc sol).
Restlessness of lower limbs( mental also)
Forgetful, weakness, especially for words while speaking.
Begging , beseeching and entreating for relief.
Religious frantic
Rigidity (calc sili , coccu , cup met & nitric acid).
Physicalà  paralysis of extensor group.
General emaciation of limbs with /with out paralysis ( piano player).
Restlessness of limbs.
Craves sweets , salt & bread.
<evening & night..

7-10-09                                                                                                                                                                                        DR PRAVIN JAIN

In case taking consider

1.      Inter action with Physician .
2.      Behavior of the child in clinic.
( sociability , activity , destructivity)
 Innate characteristics.
3.      reaction to stimulus.

Approaching à snakes , spiders , bees , sulph . phos , tub, lyco & vat alb.
With drawal-à puls , ,cham , nat mur , kali , ignat , staphy & lyco.

Approach (extroverted/ uninhibited)
Infant & toddlers.
Likes to play with new toys.
They are curious to explore it.
Greet when come in or go out of clinic.

With drawal( introverted / inhibited)
Infant & toddlers.
Slower to warm up to change & avoid eye contact with new faces , will not mix with other child & cry & will not allow to examine.
Refuse to greet you while coming or leaving.
(averse to change to new thing.)

Reaction to stimuli
Provoke child  mildly  by shouting , reprimanding , slapping ( mildly).
Anger responseà impulsive & inhibited.
 Impulsive                                                                inhibited
Expressing , anger.                                               Calc & lyco.
Bell , taren , stram ,
Verat , lache & tub.

Voluntarily                                                                 involuntarily
Verbal               body             other
Censorious     obstinate
Critical ,         defiant

Impulsive anger response
Extra punitive                                                               intra punitive
(towards others)                                                      ( inwards self)
Taren , stram                                                       tub , aur , staphy , anac , kp , syphi.


Grief / sad

Expressive                                              non expressive

Puls , phos , lyco , calc                      ignat , nat mur , staphy & carcino.
Acia nit.

Jealousy    Lachesis

Intelligence   Merc sol.


Extra punitive                                                                                Intra punitive
Striking & kicking                                                                        Pulls own hair
Tub , tarent , cham . cina . hell  & hyos.                                      Bell, cuprum , lach ,
Biting                                                                                            tarent & tub.
Bell , stram & vat.                                                                        
Spitting                                                                                          head.
Nux , sulph.

Laugh   Baryta carb& Graph.

Analysis of case
Pivotal rubric , PQRS , sociability , reaction , thermals thirst and physical generals.

In crying higher tune slowly starts & tone increases .
Demanding one , wants immediate attention and calm when carried.
Wants new every minute , changeability , capriciousness & redness.

Hate to be touched , hugged , kissed & hair cut.
Immediate high tune when cries , spasmodic , sobbing , cries piteous when carried.
Wants to be rocked. Dislikes every thing.

Sobbing , superficial cry & wants to pick her.
When hears the voice of mother that she is coming stops crying.

Wants more affection , hugging & kissing.

Is angry phosphorus & wants hugging(child).
With drawing anger and irritable( cina , chamm , antimony & cham).

Des not want to be touched while sleeping.

ARSENIUM ALBUM  Wants to be carried first wants to be held & goes from one person to another.

CHAMOMILA  Wants to be carried passively.

KALI CARB   Wants to be carried & rocked. Always try to trouble people whom they are dependent upon. Fighting  with own bread & butter.

ANTIM TAR   Wants to be carried erect.

KALI” child  waking up with startled

Always refuse for breast milk as it is sour.
Chamomila +  puls  à  Quiet disposition.
Chamomila + magnesium à  Inclination to sit.
Does not get love in childhood.
Play aversion to
Very little sleep & not much food.
Eating little sufficient.
Anger , shrieking , shouting & irritability.
Child impatiently & vehemently desires sweet things but dislikes to play even with favorite toy.
Sweat – characteristic around nose , mouth & forehead.

7-10-09                                                                                                                                  DR PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR

Disposition is the first thing to be understood.
Acid flour
Emotionally detached.
Changes company one to another in order to satisfy his ego that he has done his job

Emotional attachments play important role in case taking like
A/f suppressed anger----syphilitic.
Internet savy.
Affectionate                                        -------------------à   staphy.
Animal lovers.
Dreams of dogs.
Aversion women----- syphilitic.
Sensitive to rudeness & criticism but timid.

Aversion to women-à amm carb , lach2  , lyco3 , con , baptesia , flour acid , acon , ignat , mag carb , nat mur , phos , plat , puls , rap2 , staphy & sulph.

In a case retrospective approach is through syphilitic rubrics(drug picture method).

Wants to talk about themselves in company(lachesis) wants to be known that how good person I am.
Staphy is lean & thin like Ignatia.

Acid nitricum--- Timid.

A leader dose something good to people.

                    Merc sol                                                        Merc cor
                  More sycosis                                                  more syphilitic.
             Coward & timid.                                               More corrosive & destructive.
           Will return sweetly.                                             More aggressive & straight like
                                                                                       Snakes---. Lachesis.

Sudden destruction & sudden appearance, hysterical & fast.
Aphorism – 76 --- If u want to cure the miasm it will take several years to come back to normal state.
Aphorism –149  Diseases  of long standing require larger time for cure.
                         In reversal of disease see for transient or non transient.
                        In Herings law  of cure the symptoms should be transient according to  
                       the Law of nature.

In contusions take the hemorrhagic tendency & the remedy should be in that.

In stupor conditions stem cell similimum works.

In left side breast ca  the problem is related to child , sensitivity , need& psora.
In right side breast cancer problem is related to husband demands or parental problems
Adeno carcinoma ( glandular).

8-10-09                                                                                                        DR PRAFULL  BORKAR

The visible embryo in its evolution has the spiral form represents the 23 stages occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy  & every 2 weeks of the 2nd & 3rd trimester.
In case taking
Interrogation must be methodical.
Match the physical symptoms and their appearance with the mental plane disturbance levels.
Fast moving condition -à fast or sudden causative factor or fast remedy.
Slow moving conditionà  slow , gradual causative causes or slow remedy.
Stomatitis  …> painful à hurt.
Boils à  redness-à anger.
Sensitivity of the person
External influences                                                      Emotional
General & particular.                                              --- sensitive or not sensitive.
                                                                                ---Emotional or intellectual.
Generals                                                                  --- What kind of events & emotions
                                                                                       Affect him.

Extra change , excitement & what he did not want to talk. We should make point of it and make him talk later.
Reaction to the sensitivity & expression.
What happened before , during & after that event.
Reaction gives the nature & miasm of patient.
Confirmation of symptoms should be in indirect ?& helps in pinpointing the exact sign or symptoms-à rubrics.
 In A / f death of family members take reaction grief , resentment , lonely & remorse.
A / f  from being alone.
A/ f death ,discords , financial loss , business cares & disappointment in love.
Possibilities of situation should be explored.
Ars alb – A./f being alone / fastidiousness.
                Aversion water.
The way taking in appointment.
Manner of presentation.
Way enters in to the cabin , sits , eye to eye contact , contact , talks , tone of talking and the way he leaves.
His  accompaniments.
The manner of presentation.
The way of sitting even in photograph(leader , follower or timid).
The dressing style.
What he talks & how he talks.

Tarentula hisp 
Dancing is frenzy aggressive kind of dance with violent type to drum beats
Completely drenched & absolutely unconscious  , can no t stop dancing when there are drums.

Dance rhythmic and gracefully.

Aggressive but dances as it relieves as the varicosity of the legs gets relieved by dancing.

Ars sulph flavum
Looks like ars but hot.
Censorius critical  much more than arsenic.

Nux vomica
Projects deadlines & work.
Fastidious about presentation & wants job to be done perfectly
“focused fastidiousness”.

Artistic type of fastidiousness.
Beauty , art in furniture , collection & decoration & same in dancing.

Despair want of confidence he wants him self up.
Can not sleep or lie down it < sym.
He has to sit up or walk about.
Vertigo during sleep.
Miasmatic rubric
Esteem hurt
Contemptuous à cutting off(abrupt , harsh).
Crocus sativus à alternating states ( psora+ syphilis).

In 50 millesimal scale we have to repeat the dose.

In malaria when it is is in the ascending phase of the fever the repetition of the dose aggravates. The dose should be given in the descending phase of the fever.

8-10-09                                                                                                                                      DR PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR

Thermals change with the miasm.
In tumors , cancer , pathology  go to the roots, for structural changes(geno type).
In physiology à thermals / thirst are sufficient.
Once the structural changes has taken care give anti psoric.(explained in g – 194).
Out of control violenceà verat , bell , stram( timid after the fright à violentà hitàclaws ,  Clings).
Less violenceà hyos (dusky redness, never harms shameless), merc.

If the psoric complaints come give psoric potency  1M,, 10 M & 50M .
Whatever the case may be it should follow herings law.

In a case
                  Fetal lifeà just after birth à infancyà childhoodà

                                       Basic constitution
                       -à puberty-à adult -à young adult.

Pathology always accompanies mind & hints the patients nature through its expression by harshness , heat or non expression or expressive.

Merc sol  
                 Goes into insanity .
                Violence is revolting type.
                 Lots of salivation.

                 After dog bite goes in to hydrophobia.
Opium   calm , cool  , contended with sharp intelligence.

Stramonium  chilly mercury.

                Indifference to domestic duties.
                 Conscientious , strict hot / left side.
               Strange , crank &  fastidious .

            Hyperactivity & speed++ .

Sulph iod    
                 Fiery excitement .

In tri miasmatic remedies   
Broader   in psora,
 narrow in sycosis &  
still narrow in syphilis. PSORA


When the senses are destroyed thermals are not important. As long as metabolic disorders are normal  hot / chilly ,thirst / thirstless are important.
In HTN , menopause & thyroid medication feels hot.

Probing senses
Hysterical & out of proportion & control.

Pains exaggeration or in spots.
Pain in spotsà kali. Bich , ignat , sulph , coni , ars , kali phos , thuja , nat mur , lache &       
                          Oxalic acid.
Exaggerating , electric shock like pains.
Sharp periodicity of pains à kali bich & cedron.
Pains violent.

Does not appear to be what it is.
Stabbing , burning , twitching , twisting & needle like pains

Cold feeling in blood vessels& cold in palms.
Air sensation.
Ball moving in blood vessels.
Air sensation hot.
Hot water trickling sensation.

Erratic painsà caulo & lac can.
Sudden shifting painsà kalmia , puls , kali bich & ignat.
Appear suddenly & disappear suddenlyà kali bi , bell , acid nit , rhus , arg nit , mag carb 
                                                                    Phyto & strychinine.
Pain in crosswise direction-à bell , chela , china , lac can , senega , sili , sulph & vat alb.
Fainting from painà cham , ignat , crocus , hepar , nux mosch , nux vom , valerinum &
Violent behavior from painà aur&chamo.
Sense of touch destroyed
Analgesia à lyco , caoccu , plb , opium , acid phos , stram , hyos , sulph& cicuta
Analgesia in inner partsà opium& platina.

Sense or touch
Exaggerated -à (sporo – syphilitic)
Hyper aesthenia à ars , bell , cham , coffea , hyperi , lyss , therio & ignat.
Slight touch aggravates  (syphilitic) à ars , apis , ,china , lache & Merc sol.
Sensitive to touch à
Throat à lache , all snakes , hepar sulph , phyt.
(nerves& resp).
Abdomen à lyco , nux vom , graph , carbo veg , nat sulph , arg nit , lache , crot , all                                            
(related to gastric)
                               snakes , cal carb , bry , hep sulph & coffea.
Senses hypersensitiveà  acon , asarum , asaf , bell , cham , coffea , colchi , ign nux vom
                                      Opium & phos.
Senses perverted à Arg nit & opium(hearing clock at nigh disturbs).
Scratch unbearable-à asarum.

Acute senses is psoric.
Senses hyper acute is syphilitic .

Theridion à sound penetrates whole body & whole body is shaken.
Stramoniumà timid , always clings & holds tightly.

Acute à day time  - chocolate.
Morningà bomb.
Distortedà Bell , bufo , nux vom , nux mosc & stramo.
Diplopia à Aur , gels , nat mur & acid nit.
Objects seem brighter in dark roomà Acid nit.
Contrast increased.
Confusion vision.
Vision dazzling , flickering , fire – glittering(retinal detachment).
Objects seem distanceà Gels & sulph.
Objects seem largerà Enlarged.
Objects seem smaller.
Objects seem elongated.

Photo mania.
Colors before eyes
Sparks à bell & china.
              (black , blue , green , red& white).
Lettersà disappear reading when.
               Moving letters.
               Run together.
               Turning in circle.
               Unable to distinguish.
Illusion sees bugs& insects.
Image for long retained ( Gels , calc carb , phos , lac can & nat mur).
Delusion some one reading behind him.
Ex mag mur – hearing his echo.
Which makes him read faster & faster.

Loss of vision for blue.
Color blindness for blue.
Color blindness.
Night blindness.

Sense of smell, acute.
Sensitive &  over sensitive to odors.
Sensitive to disagreeable odors.
Sensitive to agreeable odors.
Ex  perfumes  causing headaches.
Nausea for odors
                             Odors of own body.
                            Odors of coffee & eggs.
                             Odors of cooking food.
                             Odors of tobacco.
Unconsciousness & coma , odors from à Nux vom & pohos
Illusion of odors.          Burnt.
Collapse suddenly à ARS , colc2 , crot hor , graph , hydro acid , morph , phos , sepia.
In comatose conditions the medicines should be only given through skin ( 10 min gap
                                                                                                            Apply on skin).
Strong / left à cuprum , ferr met , alum , merc , arg nit & zinc met.

Cuprum met
Ruler. I am great.
General & exclusive .
Acting on nerves.
Psoro syphilitic.
Suppression of nerves going to nerves.
Ectoderm eruptions when suppressed go through palate to neuron ectoderm to brain.
Throws centripetal.

Merc sol   Do not play with me. Fights.

In cup met , zinc , aluminaà ectoderm-à neuron ectoderm.
Merc sol à Ectodermà  mesodermà  neuron ectoderm.

Magnesium mur
Attached to mother(mur).
Tapering chin , bony features , contractures & spasms.
Moves into shell – timid person.
Sensitive , introverted(disposition).

Timid-  Carbons 1 , magnesium 2 , natrum3 , ammoniums 4 ,.
              Mur , calc , puls & sili à magne.

Syphilis give rise to psora.
All  magnesium cause anemia of brain.
In nervous system disorders à 200 , 1M.
Awareness à intellectual faculties à control over language.

Carbon              1
Magnesium       2
Natrum              3
Ammonium       4

                         Sili .

Most of persons suffer from separation  diseases  , when they are separated from family.
Base à separation.
Skin is separating.
Ex psoriasis.

Three lines in forehead indicates that person is not focused .One line in forehead indicates that person is very focused.
Scarà wound in the forehead means the morals are not good.
Tarantula can be some times chilly.( syphilitic).

Sarcastic , chilly / Thirsty .
Obese in childhood.

Slow diseases come in slow persons & fast diseases in fast persons.

Who do not bother are
Bold or courageous.

Carbons absorb water so quickly  so they are thirsty.
Sulphur à centrifugal in action.

9-10-09                                                                                                                                                      DR SURMEET SIGH MAVI

All syphilitic symptoms aggravate in the night.
Generals are more important than particulars.
In a lady when GCS is given then the cycles should improve with minimal pain.
All the metals are positive.

Tuberculinum bovinum
Romantic longings.
Seeks self gratification , fulfillment & change, but never achieves it.
Never truly satisfied.
Restless & desire to travel.

Psoricà affectionate.
Sycotic à love.
Syphilitic à hyper sexuality , haughty & romance uncontrolled.
Depending self esteem & graceful.

Feels inferior yet shows haughtiness out side.
Opportunistic remedy.
Psora – Krishna
Syphilitic – shakuni.
Platina , lyco , veratrum are vicious by all means.
Right sided dominant are money minded.
Aggressive not of controversities.
Highly intelligent.
Intelligent eyes.

Arg nit   Good dancer , singer&  performer.

Cuprum met    Delusion , general he is.
                        His body guard is Ferrum met.

Merc sol    Revolting staying out side of kingdom.
Misplaced anxiety.
Psoric – diligent.
Expert in their own field.
They never learn from their experience.

Mild , gentle , timid & shy.
Egoistic , confidence , pointing fingers.
Positive expression.

Mannish dressing , always with boys.
Mannish because of superiority.
Sepia is mannish because of hormonal imbalance.
Ex Shoba de.
Casting off people against her will.
A/ f  egotism , social position concerned & loss of social position.
Serious , solemn , never cheerful , never laugh at joke.
Pretty à attractive in a delicate way.
Elegantà refined & graceful.
Elated , ardent , artistic learning & comprehending easily.
Delusion  at war( Lyco & Platina  are complementary to each other).
Delusion body great& I am a high place.
Delusion enlarged he is & others small.
Estranged  - family from his.
Estranged – wife from his.
Adulterous , homosexuality & nymphomania.

9-10-09                                                      DR PRAFULL VIJAYAKAR

Maslows hierarchy of needs
                                  Self accumulation
                                Aesthetic needs(sycosis)
                                Need to know & understand
                                  Esteem needs( sycotic)
                               Belongings & love needs.
                                   Safety needs (timid- sycotic)
                                    Physiological needs(psoric)

Aesthetic needs à decorative need(sycotic)
                               To increase  faculty.
Syphilis à clinging to god & join devotee to that particular cult.

Sulphur takes decision of others easily but not his easily.
In OCD find out what is the basic need.
Magnesium  because he did not get love of his parents.
Calcarea à because he did not get shell.
Calcarea carbà charitable with expectation of recumberance

Chilly platinaà china & Ipecac.
Chocolate is more of love( pencil ethyl amine stimulated when we eat it in hypothalamus)
Show offà stannum met & argentums.
Pure loveà Phos , choco , carcino , puls , all phos , acid phos , crocus sat.

Starts with ADHD.
Spectrum of disorders .
No eye contact.
No social interaction.
Loss of eye to eye contact.
Features of loss of speech & vision.
Self destructive behavior.

                                No social contact


             Repetitive behavior              no eye to eye contact  

A/ f vaccination as mercury is the base of vaccines , which causes autism.

Development  of human brain
Emotions develop
(fear , anxiety )

Cortex deals with communicative ability. Functions of human brain are lost in autism.
Development is reversed. Either happy or fearful .All animals behavior --à man
Reversal of human behavior from man to animal.
Balancing is more developed as cerebellum utilizes more power  & is well developed.
 In Cure
Animal behavior should decrease.
Acute balancing behavior should decrease.
Less violent, biting should go.
Repetition should go à mimicking.
Restlessness hyperactivity should decrease.
Perverted emotions should go.
Good boy or girl.
Eye contact should come.
Autism is not from birth & history must be taken from mother from 6 months of life.

Wants rubbing , carrying  caressing & wants love.
Mesmerism or magnetismà phos.
Wants supportà puls , calc( wants to be held).

Manganum metalicum
Metal  / right sided /  chilly.
Writing going on getting smaller but also can be changeable.
Excessive salivation during illness , paralysis ( merc sol. Graph).
Twitching à affection is an brain , nerves & vocal cards.
Stretching a lot.
Recurrent hoarseness.
Larynx affected easily .
Salivation bitter in paralysis , headache & nausea.
Twitching of single parts ie eyes , forehead , jaws , neck & penis.
Stretching relieves which usually < pain.
Larynx affected and must hawk regularly.
 Arg nit , arg met , mag mur , phos , bar mur , spongia & stannum met.
Sycotic à helpful benevolent & positive always do gooder.
               Appear just like palladium.
               Requires appreciation for the work done or deeds
               (palladium appreciation is for looks).
                People fish for complements.
                Mostly social workers & politicians.


Aloes socotrina
Typical politician & always friendly to every one.
Soft& lesser positivity.

Ars alb
Answers abruptly.
Meticulous , sarcastic , sensorius critical & systematic.

When you feel like slapping the person.

Nux vom
Goes ruthlessly.

Strong , very angry & very positive.
They do some work done.

Liar , never politician.
Eloquent( who ask constantly).
Makes mistakes in talking.
(out of nerves – manganum)

Flouric acid
Destruction of bones.
Highly hot+++.
Highly syphilitic.
Flourine causes severe destruction

Chlorine , fluorine & iodine are highly destructive.
Concern à psora.
Cure should follow from left to right.





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