As we know when we study material medica many medicines seems to fit for the same patient. And it is confusing us how to differentiate? Than I decide to study material medica like and try to understand it. If we select rubric positive and try to under stand what makes him top become positive. When we try to understand any remedy, we try to understand personality; in short we understand his non-disease character. Theses give us understanding of materia medica.
POSITIVENESS (14) 13/9/02 1 androc, 1 ars, 1 camph, 2 caust, 1 choc, 1 ferr, 1 hep, 1 hydrog, 1 lac-h, 2 lach, 2 merc, 1 nux-v, 1 ozone, 1 sep
Arsenic album INSECURITY. ARS. PATHOLOGY IS DEEP SEATED INSECURITY Due to insecurity he arise dependency on other people. And he desire company. It is an actual need for some one to be present, near him. Ars. Surrounds him with people because of his insecure sense, concerning his health. He has unnatural fear of being alone. The need for company is not necessarily a need for interaction with people like PHOS. Ars. Needs people nearby more for reassurance and support than anything else.
POSSESSIVE. Ars. Is very possessive. About object, about money, especially of people. Ars. does not share his relationship with a give and take. He selfish. He is taker. In a relation he give support to others and in return he expecting support. He is miser, avaricious of saving money and things. Always calculating what return he will get.
FASTIDIOUS Ars. Is FASTIDIOUS. (DO AGAIN AND AGAIN OF HABITS WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE UNLESS IT IS PATHOLOGICAL.) (rigid, hard to pleased,) We see people who compulsively fastidious. Obsessed by the need for order and cleanliness to the point of expending inordinate energy constantly cleaning and straightening. This is the Ars. Fastidiousness. Fastidious arises out of anxiety and insecurity. (NUX VOM. Fastidious arise out of excessive compulsion for work, for over conscientious attention to details. Even exaggerated sense of the need for efficiency. NAT MUR. Fastidiousness is similar to this but is more concerned with scheduling in time.) Ars is insecure and NUX VOM. Is more self-reliant, independent. / Impatience.
ANXIETY OF HEALTH. On further stage anxiety of health increased, he is afraid to die. Here also insecurity and he needs company. Anxiety leads to internal anguish and he becomes restlessness. Mentally restless he moves from chair to chair and place to place seeking securities. In PHOS anxiety of health - please for the help from homoeopath, while Ars. Will demands for it. Ars. exaggerates many symptoms, blow them out of proportion. He will come to conclusion that he is suffering from cancer. He will go to doctor to doctor seeking opinions. Even all test negative he will not be Ars do not have anxiety for others. He is selfish (opp. Phos.)
PARANOID. (obsessed, suspicious.) Ars if there is stage paranoid (obsessed, suspicious.) fastidiousness disappear. (Syphilitic), and anxiety and fear diminished. Stage of deep depression, despair of recovery, loss of interest in life, suicidal thoughts, suspicion of others, stage of insanity. These are stages he avoid talking to others, becomes obstinate, introvert. No anxiety, no desire company, no fear of death, no restless, no fastidious.
As the paranoid and delusion stage is lifted and the fear comes and later on anxiety comes, it is good sign. Patient has come from syphilitic to sycotic and sycotic to psora. Homoeopath with true knowledge of health and disease and miasam will recognise progress in the direction towards health.
CRISIS PAIN. Thinking of pain he is better. And during half conscious condition pain felt.
COVER. Great coldness of surface with a desire to uncovers. Great heat or sweat desires to covers. CONTRARY. Because there is tendency of body and mind of camphor when there is sudden collapse, over powering of influencing nervous system. And when crises comes he like to contrary.ANTIDOTES. That is why it is Universal antidote to vegetable kingdom.
POSITIVE ALWAYS IN CRISES. Even in positively it reacts as positive only when situation are bad, he will become contrary. This is the way he is positive. Chilly but does not like to cover, (Secale cor. Med. - -Opp. Wants to covering- hepar, psor, nux vom. Rumex.) xxxxxxxxxxx
Causticum is Initially excessive hypersensitivity and over reactivity and later on gradual paralysis. GRADUALLY is key word for the Caust. There is no sudden development. It takes long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself into the state of paralysis of function.
HYPERSENSITIVITY AND OVER REACTIVITY Caust. Are easily excitable and quick to react. They absorbs all impressions from environment, responding with hyperactivity and over reaction, particularly in those function governed by the nervous system.
SOCIAL JUSTICE Caust. possesses strong sense of social justice, which manifests in particular as intolerance to any kind of authority. He will not tolerate any thing that oppresses either him self or others. (Opp. Staph. Accepts authority to an extreme degree. He will not be able to confront anybody, even to fight for his own rights.) This is the base of his positive
ness. He is anarchist and idealistic kind (Gandhi bapu.). They are very sincere and earnest and there fore vulnerable.
PESSIMISTIC Such person are easily and deeply hurt, because injustice and oppressions. Such people have been through many disappointments, grief, vexations their initial reaction is over-reactive and become turned inward. (Pessimistic) whereas the patient was extrovert, revolutionary activist, these energies become focused inwards. Resulting pathology gradually weakens the mental, emotion and physical levels. At first he wants to destroy out side world later on inside his body. There will be diminished nervous system reflexes, harden and shorten tendons and general state of inflexibility. GRADUALLY is key word for the Caust. There is no sudden development. It takes long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself into the state of paralysis of function.Caust. is the key remedy for locomotor ataxia, myopathy, multiple sclerosis, and myasthenia of gradual onset. Even paralysis of local organ. When the nerve supply of the bladder is paralysed there may be either retention or involuntary loss of urine. Suppression of skin eruption with strong ointments progress directly into the nervous system or emotional state. Gradually the inversion of hyper-activity into hypo-active states reaches into mental and emotional plane. Than, he develops fear of dark, alone, dogs etc.
IMBECILITY Whereas he once was very intellectual person, philosophising, analysing things deeply and with great capacity – he start feeling that he is losing his mental power and slowly sliding into a state of imbecility. A/f from dry cold air à facial palsy, vocal cords. Rheumatic joint pain Amel. Wet weather. Electric like shooting pain in paralytic parts. (Arg. Alum.) Muscles twitching (convulsion, chorea, torticollis,) < agg. Lying in bed. Caust has desire for salt and aversion to sweet. Desire for smoke meat. (Tub. Kreos. Calc Phos.) Warts on face and fingers near the nail. (Thuja, Lac can.) Summary Caust. gradual changes begin with an initial hyper activity, sensitive to injustice and authority, anarchism. Agg. Dry Cold. desire for salt and smoked meat. Aversion to
As we know that when we eat chocolate, in our body phenyl ethylamine starts secreting more. This increases love affection. This love and affection are due artificially increased phenyl ethylamine.
Chocolate based for the positive is OPTIMIST. They are hopeful. This optimist pushes him to become success. They are industrious work hard, because they are optimist. It is so much that some times it becomes mania. They are creative, communicative, even small things they explain very nicely, and make it to understand. They try to collect information, which help him convince other. They are inquisitive. They are quick in action as per situation
They are political. They know how to handle others. They laugh, very talkative, loquacious, and cheerful. They very selfish, even they have no love for family member. There is no moral. They are hard hearted, and act quickly as per situation. They very jesting He loves travelling.
Mostly Ferrum prescribed for anaemia but it does not work every place. It works only if there is lack of assimilation of Iron. Ferrum is indicated in cases principally characterise by the appearance of false plethora. CONTRADICTION. FERRUM Women who are delicate, weak, chlorotic, yet have a fiery red face. Key word of Ferrum is CONTRADICTION. Contradiction to all influences and conditions.
ALWAYS RIGHT. I am always right. Always right is like Soldier (Soldier military man, they are fighter, their work to attack and protect, so during that condition whatever step they take, they feel they are right and they can’t tolerate contradiction.). This is the POSITIVISM with Ferrum. EXCITED. Sensitive and excitable, worse from least contradiction. Slight noises like a crackling of paper unbearable. Excited by slightest opposition. The diarrhoea coming on when the patient begins to eat.
ANAEMIA. Even though anaemia haemoglobin is less but face is red, false plethora.
CARDIAC Even in cardiac case agg. by rest and amel. walking slowly. Gentle motion amel. Palpitation and asthma better walking slowly. Agg. Rapid and sudden motion. Patient is chilly but open air relieves him.
OVER SENSITIVE and ABUSIVE. HEP. Pt. Appear as if nerve ending are exposed and raw. They can’t take slightest pressure may be physical or mental. They become angry, nasty, vicious, and abusive of other people.
PSORA stage there is weakness and sensitivity. They become irritable over small things. Here they can control themselves. HURRY. Next stage there is nervous excitement. Everything is done in a hurry. He speaks fast, eat fast, drinks fast, etc. Nervous system becomes super excited. (Sulph ac.) Hep. sensitivity to cold is agg. Dry cold wind. ( not humid cold weather.) Sensitive to slightest touch. Even when a hand or foot uncovered pt gets cough and chill.
With little problem she had sleepless, she is anxious all the time, while giving history Hep. pt. Talks rapidly, and exciting. She gives hundreds of tiny symptoms, which is not going to affect any one. There is no clear picture. She pleads constantly for your help. She exaggerates her suffering. ABUSIVE 3rd stage intolerance to suffering. Their whole nervous system is in fret (worry). They become angry, nasty, and abusive. They may not be able to find real reason. Why they should fly in to such anger. A woman is nasty to her husband over the small things. And she knows they are small but she could not control her self. Hep. abuses other people because of their own intolerance to pressure and stress or sufferings. They seem to hold other people for responsible for their own problems. The abusiveness –verbal. Because she forced to control her verbal expressions, her bodily suffering are proportionately increased. Controlling the anger is the development of impulses to kill. A woman may have strong desire to kill her child. (Sep. is not so nervous. Her mind is more dull and sad. Nux v. And Hep. – irritable , violent, and abusive. Nux v. is more self-controlled. And he will not complain so loudly over their sufferings.) Desire to set things on fire. Suicidal thinking, they do not have anxiety of health or fear of dearth. Agg. By touching cold metals, and hand out of cover even cold air agg. Hep desires acids – vinegar. (Not lemon.) (Calc s. Agg. Humid cold. not excited like Hep. ) OFFENSIVENESS. Offensive odour. There is peculiar old, rotten, cheese. Even sour smell stool and perspiration.
PERSPIRATION. Sweats day and night without relief. (merc.) Sweats easily on mental and physical exertion.(psor. Sep.) xxxxxxx
LOQUACITY Very intelligent ideas flows fast, talks and talks. Changes idea, jumps from one topic to other. This intelligent and idea flows fast is the reason for Lach. POSITIVE AND LOQUACIOUS. Emotion very strong, get attached easily to people and objects. Attachment is very strong so Lach. is jealousy. Self-centred Suspicious. Loquacious, talkative, when there is suppression of sex. One of the main remedies for religious affections. (If you suppress you must have outlet). Talking, jumping from one topic to another. They can’t tolerate the least criticism towards themselves It is good remedies for narcotics and alcohol because it affects the circulatory system.
SENSITIVE AND TIGHTNESS. Sensitive to touch or contact. Slight touch of collar, neckband, or clothes around neck and waist is unbearable. This sensitiveness is due to soreness and tenderness. But tightly bandage no pain. So slight touch is very painful but hard pressure agreeable. Intolerance of tight bands around neck or waist must loosen collar. LEFT SIDE inter costal neuralgia left sided –(Spigelia. Nat m. ) Sensitive to touch.(Bell. Right side more red than purplish. In headache.)
SUPPRESSION OF DISCHARGE. There is amelioration by discharges. Uterine pain after menstrual flow starts. Over stimulation to sexual sphere Lascivious, obscenity, lewdness. ( One of the main remedies for masturbation (staph, plat, origeion) again because > after discharges. )
SLEEP Sleep is difficult. Agg. Heat. Agg. Morning. Wake up in a panic as if breath has stopped. Lachesis leads in all the remedies ‘wakes up in a panic. ‘ HAEMORRHAGES. People with idiopathic high blood pressure. Flushes of heat in different ages. Haemorrhages, with dark colour blood. Headache, varicose vein, haemorrhoids and all kinds of heart ailments. Haemorrhages from nose, stomach, lungs, uterus and bowels. Black clotted blood. SILENT LACHESIS If they do not get outlet left kidney stones forms and heart lesion. This type of LACHESIS
is introvert. Sensitive does not hurt any one. Will never let out their emotions. They do not talk. This is silent Lachesis. Desires oysters , farinaceous foods.(cereals, grain, macaroni, potatoes, pasta.) Xxxxxxxxx
DEFENCE Healthy organism has defence mechanism and reactivity. Merc is anarchist and revolutionary this base of his positive. Merc. has lack of reactive power coupled with an instability or inefficiency of the function. Which enables it to create a stable, efficient equilibrium upon exposure to the many physical and emotional stimuli in the environment. Wavering in its functions. The patient without adequate defence, resulting in a pathological condition, absorbs virtually all stimuli. The lack of defensive power results in sensitive to everything. There fore Merc gets agg. By heat, cold, wet weather, change of weather, warmth of bed, perspiration, exertion, various food. In Repertory italics and bold as agg. And ameliorated only 7 amel. ( out of which 5 with lying down) And 55 rubrics in favour of agg. Merc has very NARROW RANGE OF TOLERANCE to everything. There is weakness and instability in emotional expression, weeping alternate with laughing. Here symptoms are not manifested with hysteria (ign.) but it is because of mechanical instability.
RESTLESS. As we know Merc is not solid and a liquid, little touch it starts shaking, unstable, little movements it is shaking though liquid and heavy than other piqued it is unstable. (Stan. Helonias, Baptisia with weakness of reactive power, but not with the instability and inefficiency.)
IMPULSE Merc patient becomes susceptible to every kind of impulse. Impulse to strike, to smash things, to kill someone over a merely slight offence, or even killed to loved once. (Merc. NV. Plat. )
Easy perspiration and not being relived. Perspiration is normal function to cool the body when it is overheated. Perspiration excretes toxic products. Merc. With little stimulus perspire more. Salivation excess. TREMORS Tremor runs through the remedies. Great weakness and trembling of limbs. This is also due to instability.
Looks husky, solid, compact, muscular body. Strong constitution. Intelligent ambitious quick, capable and competent. He is positive because of strong sense of duties and strong values the work ethic. He is self reliant rather than dependent. Their intelligence is more pragmatic, more practical rather than philosophical or emotional. He is very hard worker, efficient employee. They are good businessman, manger, salesman etc.
STRONG SENSE OF DUTIES. He is positive because of ambition and he works day and night. He is over-emphasis on achievement and competition. Nux is competitive to the point of damaging his own health, even at the expense of his colleagues. Workaholic dominated by work. He gets promotion easily. His fastidiousness is tied on emphasis on efficiency. Fastidiousness is more appropriate to reality. STIMULANTS. NV difficult to accept limitation of any thing and he can not resign. To keep up with the pressure he uses various stimulants like coffee, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, tea and even sex. SENSITIVE. Despite such abuse of stimulants, SENSITIVE to many of these substances. Hypersexual individual. Strong desire and may indulge their sexual impulses – moral feeling wants off. Over-indulgence of stimulants may meet his needs but later on toxicity developed, the entire nervous system becomes overwhelmed and oversensitive. Sensitive to light, noise etc. His mind is constantly hurried from one thing to another until he is tortured.
IRRITABILITY. He goes home and thinks about work. He lies awake at night, cont. Thoughts of business and the affairs of the day crowded upon him. And finally brain fag. When details come to him he gets angry and wants to get of it. Tears the things up, scolds, goes home and take it out on family and children. Feels better after vomiting. IRRITABLE inside. You ask, “ Are you irritable?” The patient sys, “No not at all. I never even raise my voice.” How about inside? Do you feel irritable inside your self? Patient says “ oh yes very much.” They are abuse of all stimulants. Their irritability starts when he can’t cope up with the work. Workload and responsibility increased. He can’t manage to do it. He looses his temper, he scolds on small small matter. If he can’t find his thing he become irritable, he stalks out of the room while loudly slamming the door. He is intolerant to contradiction. (Lyco. Plat. Because of arrogance or haughtiness.) He get angry because of he was disturbed by things which does not go as per his will
SLEEPLESS.Wakens at 3a.m. and his business affairs crowded on him so he cannot sleep, and sleep again in morning.
SYPHILITIC STAGE When patient is goes in syphilitic stage he develops suicidal disposition, Jumps from height, insanity. Feels tormented and impulse to kill others. He develops aversion to company. NV affects very strongly on nervous system. Initially twitching of muscles and jerks (Hyos, Agaricus.) There is aversion to meat, desire for fat. As well as stimulants. In homoeopathic prescribing, we are not matching symptoms but rather we are matching the fundamental nature of the patient with fundamental nature of the remedy. c xxxxxx
STASIS. HORMONE. There is aversion to sex. The urge for sex is the urge to bring about a balance, to release excess of one or the other hormones. In Sepia there is no need for such release. Hormonal balance is equal, so are indifferent to sex. The for body of sepia does not have
the natural curves of women. She is thin, flat-chest and no curves.
RELAXATION Autonomic system has two opposing force that clash and become neutralised. And result in stasis. Muscle becomes weak because of loss of control by the autonomic nervous system. Sense of fullness in the rectum. Constipation without urge. Stasis of uterus. Prolapsed of uterus. Drooping of eyelids.
INDIFFERENT. Emotion state also has stasis. Stillness of emotion. Feel without emotion. Can’t be stimulated to have joy or emotion by any stimulus. Aversion to sex. Aversion to husband. She will hit the child as there is no affection of mother for child. She can say husband is nice as good as she stays away from him in bed. Later on she hate him. This is the way in different to loved one, they love, attachment, but no emotion. SADNESS ANXIETY +++. She will cry day and night and not know why. Great sadness with tears. Because of stasis. She can’t narret her symptoms without weeping. Agg. From consoilation.
COLDNESS. Coldness of legs and feet. Some times cold hand and warm feet. Or cold feet and warm hand. Coldness on top of the head. Cold in spots. Coldness of extremities during fever.
Spoiled case by many remedies, sepia is one that bring back the case. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now we find the constitutional medicine. For that we have see
1. Physical make-up. Strong built.
2. Mental make-up. Positive. Conscientious. Cheerful. Industrious. Ardent.
3. General make-up. Chilly. Desire stimulant. Desire tea- hot. Abuse of medicament.
After repertorisation. also medicine comes NUX VOM.
Nux- vom 200 1 dose was given
Matching the fundamental nature of the patient with the fundamental nature of the remedy. That is Fundamental nature of NV is Self-reliant, Independent, Compulsive hard working. verly efficient.
POSITIVENESS (14) 13/9/02 1 androc, 1 ars, 1 camph, 2 caust, 1 choc, 1 ferr, 1 hep, 1 hydrog, 1 lac-h, 2 lach, 2 merc, 1 nux-v, 1 ozone, 1 sep
Arsenic album INSECURITY. ARS. PATHOLOGY IS DEEP SEATED INSECURITY Due to insecurity he arise dependency on other people. And he desire company. It is an actual need for some one to be present, near him. Ars. Surrounds him with people because of his insecure sense, concerning his health. He has unnatural fear of being alone. The need for company is not necessarily a need for interaction with people like PHOS. Ars. Needs people nearby more for reassurance and support than anything else.
POSSESSIVE. Ars. Is very possessive. About object, about money, especially of people. Ars. does not share his relationship with a give and take. He selfish. He is taker. In a relation he give support to others and in return he expecting support. He is miser, avaricious of saving money and things. Always calculating what return he will get.
FASTIDIOUS Ars. Is FASTIDIOUS. (DO AGAIN AND AGAIN OF HABITS WE DO NOT PRESCRIBE UNLESS IT IS PATHOLOGICAL.) (rigid, hard to pleased,) We see people who compulsively fastidious. Obsessed by the need for order and cleanliness to the point of expending inordinate energy constantly cleaning and straightening. This is the Ars. Fastidiousness. Fastidious arises out of anxiety and insecurity. (NUX VOM. Fastidious arise out of excessive compulsion for work, for over conscientious attention to details. Even exaggerated sense of the need for efficiency. NAT MUR. Fastidiousness is similar to this but is more concerned with scheduling in time.) Ars is insecure and NUX VOM. Is more self-reliant, independent. / Impatience.
ANXIETY OF HEALTH. On further stage anxiety of health increased, he is afraid to die. Here also insecurity and he needs company. Anxiety leads to internal anguish and he becomes restlessness. Mentally restless he moves from chair to chair and place to place seeking securities. In PHOS anxiety of health - please for the help from homoeopath, while Ars. Will demands for it. Ars. exaggerates many symptoms, blow them out of proportion. He will come to conclusion that he is suffering from cancer. He will go to doctor to doctor seeking opinions. Even all test negative he will not be Ars do not have anxiety for others. He is selfish (opp. Phos.)
PARANOID. (obsessed, suspicious.) Ars if there is stage paranoid (obsessed, suspicious.) fastidiousness disappear. (Syphilitic), and anxiety and fear diminished. Stage of deep depression, despair of recovery, loss of interest in life, suicidal thoughts, suspicion of others, stage of insanity. These are stages he avoid talking to others, becomes obstinate, introvert. No anxiety, no desire company, no fear of death, no restless, no fastidious.
As the paranoid and delusion stage is lifted and the fear comes and later on anxiety comes, it is good sign. Patient has come from syphilitic to sycotic and sycotic to psora. Homoeopath with true knowledge of health and disease and miasam will recognise progress in the direction towards health.
CRISIS PAIN. Thinking of pain he is better. And during half conscious condition pain felt.
COVER. Great coldness of surface with a desire to uncovers. Great heat or sweat desires to covers. CONTRARY. Because there is tendency of body and mind of camphor when there is sudden collapse, over powering of influencing nervous system. And when crises comes he like to contrary.ANTIDOTES. That is why it is Universal antidote to vegetable kingdom.
POSITIVE ALWAYS IN CRISES. Even in positively it reacts as positive only when situation are bad, he will become contrary. This is the way he is positive. Chilly but does not like to cover, (Secale cor. Med. - -Opp. Wants to covering- hepar, psor, nux vom. Rumex.) xxxxxxxxxxx
Causticum is Initially excessive hypersensitivity and over reactivity and later on gradual paralysis. GRADUALLY is key word for the Caust. There is no sudden development. It takes long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself into the state of paralysis of function.
HYPERSENSITIVITY AND OVER REACTIVITY Caust. Are easily excitable and quick to react. They absorbs all impressions from environment, responding with hyperactivity and over reaction, particularly in those function governed by the nervous system.
SOCIAL JUSTICE Caust. possesses strong sense of social justice, which manifests in particular as intolerance to any kind of authority. He will not tolerate any thing that oppresses either him self or others. (Opp. Staph. Accepts authority to an extreme degree. He will not be able to confront anybody, even to fight for his own rights.) This is the base of his positive
ness. He is anarchist and idealistic kind (Gandhi bapu.). They are very sincere and earnest and there fore vulnerable.
PESSIMISTIC Such person are easily and deeply hurt, because injustice and oppressions. Such people have been through many disappointments, grief, vexations their initial reaction is over-reactive and become turned inward. (Pessimistic) whereas the patient was extrovert, revolutionary activist, these energies become focused inwards. Resulting pathology gradually weakens the mental, emotion and physical levels. At first he wants to destroy out side world later on inside his body. There will be diminished nervous system reflexes, harden and shorten tendons and general state of inflexibility. GRADUALLY is key word for the Caust. There is no sudden development. It takes long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself into the state of paralysis of function.Caust. is the key remedy for locomotor ataxia, myopathy, multiple sclerosis, and myasthenia of gradual onset. Even paralysis of local organ. When the nerve supply of the bladder is paralysed there may be either retention or involuntary loss of urine. Suppression of skin eruption with strong ointments progress directly into the nervous system or emotional state. Gradually the inversion of hyper-activity into hypo-active states reaches into mental and emotional plane. Than, he develops fear of dark, alone, dogs etc.
IMBECILITY Whereas he once was very intellectual person, philosophising, analysing things deeply and with great capacity – he start feeling that he is losing his mental power and slowly sliding into a state of imbecility. A/f from dry cold air à facial palsy, vocal cords. Rheumatic joint pain Amel. Wet weather. Electric like shooting pain in paralytic parts. (Arg. Alum.) Muscles twitching (convulsion, chorea, torticollis,) < agg. Lying in bed. Caust has desire for salt and aversion to sweet. Desire for smoke meat. (Tub. Kreos. Calc Phos.) Warts on face and fingers near the nail. (Thuja, Lac can.) Summary Caust. gradual changes begin with an initial hyper activity, sensitive to injustice and authority, anarchism. Agg. Dry Cold. desire for salt and smoked meat. Aversion to
As we know that when we eat chocolate, in our body phenyl ethylamine starts secreting more. This increases love affection. This love and affection are due artificially increased phenyl ethylamine.
Chocolate based for the positive is OPTIMIST. They are hopeful. This optimist pushes him to become success. They are industrious work hard, because they are optimist. It is so much that some times it becomes mania. They are creative, communicative, even small things they explain very nicely, and make it to understand. They try to collect information, which help him convince other. They are inquisitive. They are quick in action as per situation
They are political. They know how to handle others. They laugh, very talkative, loquacious, and cheerful. They very selfish, even they have no love for family member. There is no moral. They are hard hearted, and act quickly as per situation. They very jesting He loves travelling.
Mostly Ferrum prescribed for anaemia but it does not work every place. It works only if there is lack of assimilation of Iron. Ferrum is indicated in cases principally characterise by the appearance of false plethora. CONTRADICTION. FERRUM Women who are delicate, weak, chlorotic, yet have a fiery red face. Key word of Ferrum is CONTRADICTION. Contradiction to all influences and conditions.
ALWAYS RIGHT. I am always right. Always right is like Soldier (Soldier military man, they are fighter, their work to attack and protect, so during that condition whatever step they take, they feel they are right and they can’t tolerate contradiction.). This is the POSITIVISM with Ferrum. EXCITED. Sensitive and excitable, worse from least contradiction. Slight noises like a crackling of paper unbearable. Excited by slightest opposition. The diarrhoea coming on when the patient begins to eat.
ANAEMIA. Even though anaemia haemoglobin is less but face is red, false plethora.
CARDIAC Even in cardiac case agg. by rest and amel. walking slowly. Gentle motion amel. Palpitation and asthma better walking slowly. Agg. Rapid and sudden motion. Patient is chilly but open air relieves him.
OVER SENSITIVE and ABUSIVE. HEP. Pt. Appear as if nerve ending are exposed and raw. They can’t take slightest pressure may be physical or mental. They become angry, nasty, vicious, and abusive of other people.
PSORA stage there is weakness and sensitivity. They become irritable over small things. Here they can control themselves. HURRY. Next stage there is nervous excitement. Everything is done in a hurry. He speaks fast, eat fast, drinks fast, etc. Nervous system becomes super excited. (Sulph ac.) Hep. sensitivity to cold is agg. Dry cold wind. ( not humid cold weather.) Sensitive to slightest touch. Even when a hand or foot uncovered pt gets cough and chill.
With little problem she had sleepless, she is anxious all the time, while giving history Hep. pt. Talks rapidly, and exciting. She gives hundreds of tiny symptoms, which is not going to affect any one. There is no clear picture. She pleads constantly for your help. She exaggerates her suffering. ABUSIVE 3rd stage intolerance to suffering. Their whole nervous system is in fret (worry). They become angry, nasty, and abusive. They may not be able to find real reason. Why they should fly in to such anger. A woman is nasty to her husband over the small things. And she knows they are small but she could not control her self. Hep. abuses other people because of their own intolerance to pressure and stress or sufferings. They seem to hold other people for responsible for their own problems. The abusiveness –verbal. Because she forced to control her verbal expressions, her bodily suffering are proportionately increased. Controlling the anger is the development of impulses to kill. A woman may have strong desire to kill her child. (Sep. is not so nervous. Her mind is more dull and sad. Nux v. And Hep. – irritable , violent, and abusive. Nux v. is more self-controlled. And he will not complain so loudly over their sufferings.) Desire to set things on fire. Suicidal thinking, they do not have anxiety of health or fear of dearth. Agg. By touching cold metals, and hand out of cover even cold air agg. Hep desires acids – vinegar. (Not lemon.) (Calc s. Agg. Humid cold. not excited like Hep. ) OFFENSIVENESS. Offensive odour. There is peculiar old, rotten, cheese. Even sour smell stool and perspiration.
PERSPIRATION. Sweats day and night without relief. (merc.) Sweats easily on mental and physical exertion.(psor. Sep.) xxxxxxx
LOQUACITY Very intelligent ideas flows fast, talks and talks. Changes idea, jumps from one topic to other. This intelligent and idea flows fast is the reason for Lach. POSITIVE AND LOQUACIOUS. Emotion very strong, get attached easily to people and objects. Attachment is very strong so Lach. is jealousy. Self-centred Suspicious. Loquacious, talkative, when there is suppression of sex. One of the main remedies for religious affections. (If you suppress you must have outlet). Talking, jumping from one topic to another. They can’t tolerate the least criticism towards themselves It is good remedies for narcotics and alcohol because it affects the circulatory system.
SENSITIVE AND TIGHTNESS. Sensitive to touch or contact. Slight touch of collar, neckband, or clothes around neck and waist is unbearable. This sensitiveness is due to soreness and tenderness. But tightly bandage no pain. So slight touch is very painful but hard pressure agreeable. Intolerance of tight bands around neck or waist must loosen collar. LEFT SIDE inter costal neuralgia left sided –(Spigelia. Nat m. ) Sensitive to touch.(Bell. Right side more red than purplish. In headache.)
SUPPRESSION OF DISCHARGE. There is amelioration by discharges. Uterine pain after menstrual flow starts. Over stimulation to sexual sphere Lascivious, obscenity, lewdness. ( One of the main remedies for masturbation (staph, plat, origeion) again because > after discharges. )
SLEEP Sleep is difficult. Agg. Heat. Agg. Morning. Wake up in a panic as if breath has stopped. Lachesis leads in all the remedies ‘wakes up in a panic. ‘ HAEMORRHAGES. People with idiopathic high blood pressure. Flushes of heat in different ages. Haemorrhages, with dark colour blood. Headache, varicose vein, haemorrhoids and all kinds of heart ailments. Haemorrhages from nose, stomach, lungs, uterus and bowels. Black clotted blood. SILENT LACHESIS If they do not get outlet left kidney stones forms and heart lesion. This type of LACHESIS
is introvert. Sensitive does not hurt any one. Will never let out their emotions. They do not talk. This is silent Lachesis. Desires oysters , farinaceous foods.(cereals, grain, macaroni, potatoes, pasta.) Xxxxxxxxx
DEFENCE Healthy organism has defence mechanism and reactivity. Merc is anarchist and revolutionary this base of his positive. Merc. has lack of reactive power coupled with an instability or inefficiency of the function. Which enables it to create a stable, efficient equilibrium upon exposure to the many physical and emotional stimuli in the environment. Wavering in its functions. The patient without adequate defence, resulting in a pathological condition, absorbs virtually all stimuli. The lack of defensive power results in sensitive to everything. There fore Merc gets agg. By heat, cold, wet weather, change of weather, warmth of bed, perspiration, exertion, various food. In Repertory italics and bold as agg. And ameliorated only 7 amel. ( out of which 5 with lying down) And 55 rubrics in favour of agg. Merc has very NARROW RANGE OF TOLERANCE to everything. There is weakness and instability in emotional expression, weeping alternate with laughing. Here symptoms are not manifested with hysteria (ign.) but it is because of mechanical instability.
RESTLESS. As we know Merc is not solid and a liquid, little touch it starts shaking, unstable, little movements it is shaking though liquid and heavy than other piqued it is unstable. (Stan. Helonias, Baptisia with weakness of reactive power, but not with the instability and inefficiency.)
IMPULSE Merc patient becomes susceptible to every kind of impulse. Impulse to strike, to smash things, to kill someone over a merely slight offence, or even killed to loved once. (Merc. NV. Plat. )
Easy perspiration and not being relived. Perspiration is normal function to cool the body when it is overheated. Perspiration excretes toxic products. Merc. With little stimulus perspire more. Salivation excess. TREMORS Tremor runs through the remedies. Great weakness and trembling of limbs. This is also due to instability.
Looks husky, solid, compact, muscular body. Strong constitution. Intelligent ambitious quick, capable and competent. He is positive because of strong sense of duties and strong values the work ethic. He is self reliant rather than dependent. Their intelligence is more pragmatic, more practical rather than philosophical or emotional. He is very hard worker, efficient employee. They are good businessman, manger, salesman etc.
STRONG SENSE OF DUTIES. He is positive because of ambition and he works day and night. He is over-emphasis on achievement and competition. Nux is competitive to the point of damaging his own health, even at the expense of his colleagues. Workaholic dominated by work. He gets promotion easily. His fastidiousness is tied on emphasis on efficiency. Fastidiousness is more appropriate to reality. STIMULANTS. NV difficult to accept limitation of any thing and he can not resign. To keep up with the pressure he uses various stimulants like coffee, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, tea and even sex. SENSITIVE. Despite such abuse of stimulants, SENSITIVE to many of these substances. Hypersexual individual. Strong desire and may indulge their sexual impulses – moral feeling wants off. Over-indulgence of stimulants may meet his needs but later on toxicity developed, the entire nervous system becomes overwhelmed and oversensitive. Sensitive to light, noise etc. His mind is constantly hurried from one thing to another until he is tortured.
IRRITABILITY. He goes home and thinks about work. He lies awake at night, cont. Thoughts of business and the affairs of the day crowded upon him. And finally brain fag. When details come to him he gets angry and wants to get of it. Tears the things up, scolds, goes home and take it out on family and children. Feels better after vomiting. IRRITABLE inside. You ask, “ Are you irritable?” The patient sys, “No not at all. I never even raise my voice.” How about inside? Do you feel irritable inside your self? Patient says “ oh yes very much.” They are abuse of all stimulants. Their irritability starts when he can’t cope up with the work. Workload and responsibility increased. He can’t manage to do it. He looses his temper, he scolds on small small matter. If he can’t find his thing he become irritable, he stalks out of the room while loudly slamming the door. He is intolerant to contradiction. (Lyco. Plat. Because of arrogance or haughtiness.) He get angry because of he was disturbed by things which does not go as per his will
SLEEPLESS.Wakens at 3a.m. and his business affairs crowded on him so he cannot sleep, and sleep again in morning.
SYPHILITIC STAGE When patient is goes in syphilitic stage he develops suicidal disposition, Jumps from height, insanity. Feels tormented and impulse to kill others. He develops aversion to company. NV affects very strongly on nervous system. Initially twitching of muscles and jerks (Hyos, Agaricus.) There is aversion to meat, desire for fat. As well as stimulants. In homoeopathic prescribing, we are not matching symptoms but rather we are matching the fundamental nature of the patient with fundamental nature of the remedy. c xxxxxx
STASIS. HORMONE. There is aversion to sex. The urge for sex is the urge to bring about a balance, to release excess of one or the other hormones. In Sepia there is no need for such release. Hormonal balance is equal, so are indifferent to sex. The for body of sepia does not have
the natural curves of women. She is thin, flat-chest and no curves.
RELAXATION Autonomic system has two opposing force that clash and become neutralised. And result in stasis. Muscle becomes weak because of loss of control by the autonomic nervous system. Sense of fullness in the rectum. Constipation without urge. Stasis of uterus. Prolapsed of uterus. Drooping of eyelids.
INDIFFERENT. Emotion state also has stasis. Stillness of emotion. Feel without emotion. Can’t be stimulated to have joy or emotion by any stimulus. Aversion to sex. Aversion to husband. She will hit the child as there is no affection of mother for child. She can say husband is nice as good as she stays away from him in bed. Later on she hate him. This is the way in different to loved one, they love, attachment, but no emotion. SADNESS ANXIETY +++. She will cry day and night and not know why. Great sadness with tears. Because of stasis. She can’t narret her symptoms without weeping. Agg. From consoilation.
COLDNESS. Coldness of legs and feet. Some times cold hand and warm feet. Or cold feet and warm hand. Coldness on top of the head. Cold in spots. Coldness of extremities during fever.
Spoiled case by many remedies, sepia is one that bring back the case. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now we find the constitutional medicine. For that we have see
1. Physical make-up. Strong built.
2. Mental make-up. Positive. Conscientious. Cheerful. Industrious. Ardent.
3. General make-up. Chilly. Desire stimulant. Desire tea- hot. Abuse of medicament.
After repertorisation. also medicine comes NUX VOM.
Nux- vom 200 1 dose was given
Matching the fundamental nature of the patient with the fundamental nature of the remedy. That is Fundamental nature of NV is Self-reliant, Independent, Compulsive hard working. verly efficient.
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