Wednesday, 13 July 2016



Rabid dog saliva.
Psoric- lean ,thin with triangular face
"Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop"
secretive and suspicious.
Barks continuously , shouts like dog.
Animal-like behavior
Sad looking , skin greasy .
Very reserved in appearance.
Anger seen in their eyes, feel every one around them are cheating including husband.
Complaining , violent people & fight with others.
A /f dog bite
< noise, sight of running water ,shining objects, riding in a carriage
Acuteness of senses
 "DELUSIONS - dogs - he is a dog, growls and barks" : Bell, Lyss
"Delusion, that she is a dog"
Acts on central nervous system
Loses consciousness for a moment.
Loss of consciousness sometimes at an early stage, but not generally until a short time before death. Does not see nor hear persons around him.
Strange sensation in head, with loss of memory.
Does not converse as well as usual, but plays chess better ; more inclined to reflect than talk ; not at all lively.

Thoughts of something terrible going to happen come into his mind against his will ; feels impelled to do reckless things, such as throwing child, which he carries in his arms, through the window, and the like.
Could not get rid of the indescribable tormenting feeling that something terrible was going to happen to him.

Fits of abstraction, takes hold of wrong things, often does not know what he wants, says wrong words which have but a remote similarity of sound.

They appreciate the formidable character of the disease and speak frequently with a remarkable quick and sharp articulation of the impending fatal results.
During the tranquil intervals, responded correctly to questions put to him, recognized those around him, and with a presentiment of impending death, begged them to pray for him and not to leave him alone.
The majority of patients have no adequate conception of real origin of their malady, and affirm in decided terms that the scar is of no significance whatever and causes them no pain.
Most commonly the mental faculties are in a superior state of excitement, shown by quick perception, amazing acuteness of understanding and rapidity with which they answer questions. 


It seems to her as if two entirely different trains of thought influenced her at the same time.
A certain confusion, unsteadiness, weakness of mind. It is very difficult for him to think, sometimes impossible.
Weary and incapable of mental exertion ; school tasks which before had been a pleasure to her, had to be laid aside.
Range of ideas extremely limited, if left to himself is occupied continuously with the same thing, bringing frequently forward same ideas within a short space of time and always in same manner.
Dullness and stupidity ,at night restlessness.

During convulsions, mental illusions and hallucinations ; in intervals of consciousness mental faculties are retained.
Believe that they are reduced to their present wretched condition by the instrumentality of those about them.

Imagine that they are being abused, and energetically defend themselves against attacks and insults, which in reality are products of their own fancy.
Fancies he is being blow at by several persons, some of whom are not present.
Raved about the dog that had bitten her ; imagined it to be near her and fought as if to drive it away.
Thinks he is a dog or a bird, and runs up and down, chirping and twittering, until he falls down fainting.
 Those who bite, growl, snarl, scratch and act rabid. They are  easily enraged, angry , but  repent quickly ,have remorse. they feel tormented and abandoned ,as if he has suffered some wrong . these children feel as if they have been injured or abused .
They often have a history of abuse ,and may be children of violent parents . They strike out at presumed tormentors and are self destructive , with an impulse to cut his or herself.

They fancy that they see objects, animals and men that are not present.
Complains bitterly that a fire has been lighted and that the stove is smoking, although there is no fire , another continually directed a window to be closed, which was not opened.
Strange notions and apprehensions during pregnancy.
Slight fits of delirium occur (in advanced state) ; patients frequently forget their friends and relatives ; delirium attended with constant talking.

During night delirium <.

Makes speeches in his delirium , thinks he is a man of great authority. Insane ideas enter his head ,for instance, to throw a glass of water, which he is carrying in his hand, into some one's face, or to stab his flesh with the knife he is holding, and the like.
His mania takes a gloomy character.
Inclined to use insulting language, scold his friends, beat and abuse those near him.

Inclination to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike.
A kind of savageness in his temper.

A strong and uncontrollable impulse to do certain acts ; to spring at and to bite any moving object that came within reach .
Is continually tempted to bite her pillow at night.
Deny, with great obstinacy, that they have ever been bitten.
 Incessant talking during night.
Speech labored, short and pathetic. Wrote to doctor : I am waiting with impatience that you give me and my young ones something to eat.
Sighing : with oppressive breathing  with pain in heart.
Declares amid violent sobs that she is suffering the torments of hell.
Lament with greatest anxiety their inability to relieve thirst which afflicts them, and by various contrivances endeavor eagerly to drink.
Had a good cry before going to bed.
Weeps bitterly on account of headache.
Before and after as well as during paroxysms, shrieks or inarticulate
sounds expressive of utmost despair. During fits, snapping motions with jaws, of an involuntary and spasmodic character.
Quiet patients spit into provided vessels, more excited ones discharge saliva upon all sides.
Harsh , Hatred feeling
Violent ,Vivacious

Biting, snapping, with convulsions. Ordered her husband to go away, as she wanted to bite him, and joining act to threat, she bit herself in arm. Pieces of carpet put into kennel for dog to lie upon were torn up until they became heaps of loose wool.

Desperate efforts were made to break chain like dog. Break out of their stables furiously and run or jump over ditches and fences.
Does not answer questions.

Cannot bear to hear others sing, or eat apples

Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence.
Occasionally exhilarated, then again morose, both feelings going off very readily upon conversing.
Pain in head makes him very uneasy.
Feels depressed and very weak all day.
Depressed, as if something would happen.
An attack of mental depression and indifference quite strange to him .
feels as if he could do nothing . if he forces himself he lacks mental power.
To such as had continual apprehension respecting their safety it appeared a shorter time since bite.
Feels as if something disagreeable would happen ; when thinking the matter over, the feeling passes off.
He feels as if he had heard unpleasant news, or would soon hear it ; until 4 P. M.
Felt as if she was going to get a fit ; at 11 P. M.
Lyssophobia - fear of becoming mad.
Feels he cannot physically endure his fears much longer, and shall be compelled to go into an insane asylum.
Religious—always praying
Quick remorse
Sensitive to music, noise, smell

Begging ,entreating—pray for him and not leave alone
Felt as if she was going to die , as if she was going to sink away.
She has been unable to sleep a wink for several nights . is driven from bed by indescribable anxiety . can but sit and walk, or find momentary peace in prayer.
Anxiety of mind : restlessness, with great prostration with pain in heart  with headache & fear of being alone.
mental excitement now as all his life, affects him badly ; hot vapor relieved burning pain in bite, and Indecision even in small matters.
Ill humor.
Fretful, hypochondriac mood in evening.
Feels nervous and irritable.
Highly abusive , cruel & Insulting

Very cross, so much so that his children expressed great surprise. he took offense at very least trifles, scolded his wife and children, felt wretched, could not concentrate his attention on anything .
sullen, does not wish to see or speak to any one.
After attacks of fury, evinces great regret at his behavior, making earnest apologies, warning those about him not to allow him to bite them.
Implacable hatred against owners of dog that bit her, with inclination to utter maledictions which, by reason of her careful bringing up and sobriety of her parents, shock her dreadfully.

Hypersensitiveness of all the senses.
Exalted state of smell, taste and touch, with a feeling of anxiety and a fear of being alone.

Everything affects him more powerfully.
He knew exactly where his nurses, his doctors and acquaintances were, if at any distance from him.
On a watch held to ,he sees the hour and minute hands.
He says he can see hands on dial plate of church clock.  
He could hear what was spoken in next room, and counting coppers in a room below him.
He knows every one, and answers questions, also is in mesmeric rapport with his physicians.
Spitting , desire to –doctors faces
 Contradicting wills
Driven incessantly about without any definite aim.

Restlessness, driving him here and there, although weak enough to lie down. Restlessness and anxiety at pericardia, frequent change of posture and sighing.

Restless, constant bleating in a hoarse voice.

Sometimes he could control inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much nervous irritation.
Showing him a bird, he got frightened and thought it was a mouse.  
Was much frightened during attack, and began to pray.
 Her husband had to sit up with her and hold her hand , did not get entirely over attack until 3 A. M.

She feels as after night watching and great anxiety.
Unusually exhausted.
While reading and thinking, headache.

Worse while reading or writing ; headache , aching in lower jaw.
Severe headache and nose ache upon going to bed, after writing all her symptoms.
Attacks of nervous headache become awful and insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.
Pressing headache, < while reading and thinking.
When he hears water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes very irritable, nervous ; it causes desire for stool and other ailments.
The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intolerable ; they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have the water removed, for voice and breath fail.
Mental emotion always makes him worse.
Mortifying news affects him very much.

A certain wildness of humor.
Disposed to get angry ; flying into a passion.
Every offense she feels very much.
Excitability prevents sleep.
Frequent gaping without being sleepy, most when he has to listen to others.
Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.
Even the sight of water, or other fluid, or of anything having the least resemblance to it, such as a looking glass or white substance, whereby an occasion will be given for renewal of idea of their former pain, occasion greatest distress and a return of convulsions.
Such as were afflicted with grief from any cause were much sooner affected with the disease.
The mere idea of drink, fluids, pouring out fluids, may cause a paroxysm.  
slightest touch of air causes <
Hyperesthesia, aerophobia, current of air, bright light, sight of any shining object, slightest touch, even conversation in vicinity of patient, may throw him into a most violent agitation and bring on severe convulsions.  
The mere thought of fluids, of drinking, of swallowing, or offer of anything to drink, is sufficient to bring on convulsions ; the same effect is produced by other sources of irritation, such as a simple breath of air, the attempt to touch the sick, every hurried approach towards him, the light of shining objects.

A sudden fright starts convulsions.
Nose pains from thinking.
Had no symptoms of disease for four months until after receiving very ill usage.  

Dread and fear brought on symptoms.
Outburst of passion or excesses of any kind hasten the outbreak.  
Any sudden movement near a rabid dog is a stimulus to inflict the fatal bite.
Excessive salivation
Speech is fast. Answers rapidly ,snappish
Biting nails
Dreams of animals-dogs bitten by
Eccentric, ecstasy
Delusion ,dog he is (belladonna)
Forsaken feeling
Impulsive –injures themselves ,Desire to kill , Lamenting
Very good singers
Social position, concerned about
Throws things from hands
Traveling desire for
Contradicting will
Abnormal cravings during pregnancy.
Aversion to water ; imagines he cannot swallow ,says he is thirsty.
They  crave chocolate and salt and have enuresis.




Rabid dog saliva.
Psoric- lean ,thin with triangular face
"Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop"
secretive and suspicious.
Barks continuously , shouts like dog.
Animal-like behavior
Sad looking , skin greasy .
Very reserved in appearance.
Anger seen in their eyes, feel every one around them are cheating including husband.
Complaining , violent people & fight with others.
A /f dog bite
< noise, sight of running water ,shining objects, riding in a carriage
Acuteness of senses
 "DELUSIONS - dogs - he is a dog, growls and barks" : Bell, Lyss
"Delusion, that she is a dog"
Acts on central nervous system
Loses consciousness for a moment.
Loss of consciousness sometimes at an early stage, but not generally until a short time before death. Does not see nor hear persons around him.
Strange sensation in head, with loss of memory.
Does not converse as well as usual, but plays chess better ; more inclined to reflect than talk ; not at all lively.

Thoughts of something terrible going to happen come into his mind against his will ; feels impelled to do reckless things, such as throwing child, which he carries in his arms, through the window, and the like.
Could not get rid of the indescribable tormenting feeling that something terrible was going to happen to him.

Fits of abstraction, takes hold of wrong things, often does not know what he wants, says wrong words which have but a remote similarity of sound.

They appreciate the formidable character of the disease and speak frequently with a remarkable quick and sharp articulation of the impending fatal results.
During the tranquil intervals, responded correctly to questions put to him, recognized those around him, and with a presentiment of impending death, begged them to pray for him and not to leave him alone.
The majority of patients have no adequate conception of real origin of their malady, and affirm in decided terms that the scar is of no significance whatever and causes them no pain.
Most commonly the mental faculties are in a superior state of excitement, shown by quick perception, amazing acuteness of understanding and rapidity with which they answer questions.

It seems to her as if two entirely different trains of thought influenced her at the same time.
A certain confusion, unsteadiness, weakness of mind. It is very difficult for him to think, sometimes impossible.
Weary and incapable of mental exertion ; school tasks which before had been a pleasure to her, had to be laid aside.
Range of ideas extremely limited, if left to himself is occupied continuously with the same thing, bringing frequently forward same ideas within a short space of time and always in same manner.
Dullness and stupidity ,at night restlessness.

During convulsions, mental illusions and hallucinations ; in intervals of consciousness mental faculties are retained.
Believe that they are reduced to their present wretched condition by the instrumentality of those about them.

Imagine that they are being abused, and energetically defend themselves against attacks and insults, which in reality are products of their own fancy.
Fancies he is being blow at by several persons, some of whom are not present.
Raved about the dog that had bitten her ; imagined it to be near her and fought as if to drive it away.
Thinks he is a dog or a bird, and runs up and down, chirping and twittering, until he falls down fainting.
 Those who bite, growl, snarl, scratch and act rabid. They are  easily enraged, angry , but  repent quickly ,have remorse. they feel tormented and abandoned ,as if he has suffered some wrong . these children feel as if they have been injured or abused .
They often have a history of abuse ,and may be children of violent parents . They strike out at presumed tormentors and are self destructive , with an impulse to cut his or herself.

They fancy that they see objects, animals and men that are not present.
Complains bitterly that a fire has been lighted and that the stove is smoking, although there is no fire , another continually directed a window to be closed, which was not opened.
Strange notions and apprehensions during pregnancy.
Slight fits of delirium occur (in advanced state) ; patients frequently forget their friends and relatives ; delirium attended with constant talking.

During night delirium <.

Makes speeches in his delirium , thinks he is a man of great authority. Insane ideas enter his head ,for instance, to throw a glass of water, which he is carrying in his hand, into some one's face, or to stab his flesh with the knife he is holding, and the like.
His mania takes a gloomy character.
Inclined to use insulting language, scold his friends, beat and abuse those near him.

Inclination to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike.
A kind of savageness in his temper.

A strong and uncontrollable impulse to do certain acts ; to spring at and to bite any moving object that came within reach .
Is continually tempted to bite her pillow at night.
Deny, with great obstinacy, that they have ever been bitten.
 Incessant talking during night.
Speech labored, short and pathetic. Wrote to doctor : I am waiting with impatience that you give me and my young ones something to eat.
Sighing : with oppressive breathing  with pain in heart.
Declares amid violent sobs that she is suffering the torments of hell.
Lament with greatest anxiety their inability to relieve thirst which afflicts them, and by various contrivances endeavor eagerly to drink.
Had a good cry before going to bed.
Weeps bitterly on account of headache.
Before and after as well as during paroxysms, shrieks or inarticulate
sounds expressive of utmost despair. During fits, snapping motions with jaws, of an involuntary and spasmodic character.
Quiet patients spit into provided vessels, more excited ones discharge saliva upon all sides.
Harsh , Hatred feeling
Violent ,Vivacious

Biting, snapping, with convulsions. Ordered her husband to go away, as she wanted to bite him, and joining act to threat, she bit herself in arm. Pieces of carpet put into kennel for dog to lie upon were torn up until they became heaps of loose wool.

Desperate efforts were made to break chain like dog. Break out of their stables furiously and run or jump over ditches and fences.
Does not answer questions.

Cannot bear to hear others sing, or eat apples

Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence.
Occasionally exhilarated, then again morose, both feelings going off very readily upon conversing.
Pain in head makes him very uneasy.
Feels depressed and very weak all day.
Depressed, as if something would happen.
An attack of mental depression and indifference quite strange to him .
feels as if he could do nothing . if he forces himself he lacks mental power.
To such as had continual apprehension respecting their safety it appeared a shorter time since bite.
Feels as if something disagreeable would happen ; when thinking the matter over, the feeling passes off.
He feels as if he had heard unpleasant news, or would soon hear it ; until 4 P. M.
Felt as if she was going to get a fit ; at 11 P. M.
Lyssophobia - fear of becoming mad.
Feels he cannot physically endure his fears much longer, and shall be compelled to go into an insane asylum.
Religious—always praying
Quick remorse
Sensitive to music, noise, smell

Begging ,entreating—pray for him and not leave alone
Felt as if she was going to die , as if she was going to sink away.
She has been unable to sleep a wink for several nights . is driven from bed by indescribable anxiety . can but sit and walk, or find momentary peace in prayer.
Anxiety of mind : restlessness, with great prostration with pain in heart  with headache & fear of being alone.
mental excitement now as all his life, affects him badly ; hot vapor relieved burning pain in bite, and Indecision even in small matters.
Ill humor.
Fretful, hypochondriac mood in evening.
Feels nervous and irritable.
Highly abusive , cruel & Insulting

Very cross, so much so that his children expressed great surprise. he took offense at very least trifles, scolded his wife and children, felt wretched, could not concentrate his attention on anything .
sullen, does not wish to see or speak to any one.
After attacks of fury, evinces great regret at his behavior, making earnest apologies, warning those about him not to allow him to bite them.
Implacable hatred against owners of dog that bit her, with inclination to utter maledictions which, by reason of her careful bringing up and sobriety of her parents, shock her dreadfully.

Hypersensitiveness of all the senses.
Exalted state of smell, taste and touch, with a feeling of anxiety and a fear of being alone.

Everything affects him more powerfully.
He knew exactly where his nurses, his doctors and acquaintances were, if at any distance from him.
On a watch held to ,he sees the hour and minute hands.
He says he can see hands on dial plate of church clock.  
He could hear what was spoken in next room, and counting coppers in a room below him.
He knows every one, and answers questions, also is in mesmeric rapport with his physicians.
Spitting , desire to –doctors faces
 Contradicting wills
Driven incessantly about without any definite aim.

Restlessness, driving him here and there, although weak enough to lie down. Restlessness and anxiety at pericardia, frequent change of posture and sighing.

Restless, constant bleating in a hoarse voice.

Sometimes he could control inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much nervous irritation.
Showing him a bird, he got frightened and thought it was a mouse.  
Was much frightened during attack, and began to pray.
 Her husband had to sit up with her and hold her hand , did not get entirely over attack until 3 A. M.

She feels as after night watching and great anxiety.
Unusually exhausted.
While reading and thinking, headache.

Worse while reading or writing ; headache , aching in lower jaw.
Severe headache and nose ache upon going to bed, after writing all her symptoms.
Attacks of nervous headache become awful and insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.
Pressing headache, < while reading and thinking.
When he hears water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes very irritable, nervous ; it causes desire for stool and other ailments.
The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intolerable ; they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have the water removed, for voice and breath fail.
Mental emotion always makes him worse.
Mortifying news affects him very much.

A certain wildness of humor.
Disposed to get angry ; flying into a passion.
Every offense she feels very much.
Excitability prevents sleep.
Frequent gaping without being sleepy, most when he has to listen to others.
Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.
Even the sight of water, or other fluid, or of anything having the least resemblance to it, such as a looking glass or white substance, whereby an occasion will be given for renewal of idea of their former pain, occasion greatest distress and a return of convulsions.
Such as were afflicted with grief from any cause were much sooner affected with the disease.
The mere idea of drink, fluids, pouring out fluids, may cause a paroxysm.  
slightest touch of air causes <
Hyperesthesia, aerophobia, current of air, bright light, sight of any shining object, slightest touch, even conversation in vicinity of patient, may throw him into a most violent agitation and bring on severe convulsions.  
The mere thought of fluids, of drinking, of swallowing, or offer of anything to drink, is sufficient to bring on convulsions ; the same effect is produced by other sources of irritation, such as a simple breath of air, the attempt to touch the sick, every hurried approach towards him, the light of shining objects.

A sudden fright starts convulsions.
Nose pains from thinking.
Had no symptoms of disease for four months until after receiving very ill usage.  

Dread and fear brought on symptoms.
Outburst of passion or excesses of any kind hasten the outbreak.  
Any sudden movement near a rabid dog is a stimulus to inflict the fatal bite.
Excessive salivation
Speech is fast. Answers rapidly ,snappish
Biting nails
Dreams of animals-dogs bitten by
Eccentric, ecstasy
Delusion ,dog he is (belladonna)
Forsaken feeling
Impulsive –injures themselves ,Desire to kill , Lamenting
Very good singers
Social position, concerned about
Throws things from hands
Traveling desire for
Contradicting will
Abnormal cravings during pregnancy.
Aversion to water ; imagines he cannot swallow ,says he is thirsty.
They  crave chocolate and salt and have enuresis.