Saturday, 5 September 2015



Tall , heavy built , hysterical remedies are Mannish.
Acid-fluor , Cimicifuga(Tall picture) , Sepia , Carbo-veg  Cartisone, Nat-mur,  Platina,  Petro,  Graph,  Lyco, Merc-sol, Crot hor, Nux vom, Kreosote, Medo, Staphy, Amm mur, Thuja , Chamm ,Ferrum met ,Calc flour ,  coffea , Amm sulph (behavior  & speech), Lachesis , Ignat  , Mag sulph ( obese picture) , Bell , Nat carb, Stron carb, Apis , Allium cepa  (Appearance) , Aecul hip , Sulph, Helonias , Verat alb , Conium , Antim crud, Kali carb ,

Mannish habits of girl à Crabo veg, Petrol , Nat mur , Platina.

Mannish habits of women à Acid flour.

Mannish dressing à Ignat , Nux vom

Behavior mannish  à Graph , Bell ,

Appearance Mannish

Aescul hip , Allium cepa , Mag sulph , Lach , Ctrot hor  , Graph , Lyco , Staphy, Thuja , Merc sol , Calc flour   etc.

Takes responsibility like man  à Nux vom.