calc carb , Ars alb, Cicuta, Medo , Psori, Syphi, Tuber, Carci, Lyssi, Lac can, Nat mur, Nat carb, Nat ars, Nat sulph, Phos, Acid phos, Kali phos, Nux vom, Arg met, Arg nit, Alumi, Stann met, Pall, Plati, Arg sulph, Merc, China, China ars, China sulph, Ipecac, Acid mur, Staphy, Caust, Kali carb, Kali ars, Kali mur, Kali -iod, Iod , Sulph iod, Conium , Cuprum , Cup ars, Anh, Folli, Mancinella, Rhus tox, Pinus sylvestris, Verat alb, Verat viri, Curare,Apis, Sepia, Ambra, Mosch, Theri, Mygale, Dulc, Ratha, Arn, Stron carb, Amm carb, Amm sulph, Sulph, Coca, Thuja, Cimci, Helonias, Bovis, Hyos, Cicuta, Bary sulph, Hepar sulph, ASF, Antim crud,Antim ars, Calc sulph, Aurum met, Aurum ars, Baryta ars, Calc ars, Antim crud, Stram, Arnica,Cenchris,
All hysterical remedies have OCD,
They have high self esteem.
Baryta sulph OCD is aquired.
Mgnesiums does not have OCD due to their adjusting nature.
Ferrum ars does not have OCD due to rigidity.
Coca- Washing hands always.
Lyss and Sepia are always nagging in nature until they are satisfied.
Hyoscy is meticulous OCD.
Bary sulph does things repeatedly in obsession & they feel that legs are touching the god of earth.
Nux vom is concerned about cleanliness where as Ars alb - fastidious rest can not , when things are not in their proper place.
Medo - smoked cigarette , must wash mouth to hide smell. cover up.
Syphili - tainted hands by killing someone. no hope person is doomed.washes hands to clean it.
Psorinum - mechanic, must wash often to keep clean. struggle.
Carcinocin - Must strive for perfection.
Kali ars- due to fear of disease.